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Free Printable Positive Birth Affirmations

Are you looking for some positive birth affirmations to help you through labor and delivery? We have created a birth affirmation generator to create a personalized birth affirmation specially for you. We also created this set of positive affirmation cards to help you feel more empowered and confident about your birth. Our goal is to help you have the best birth experience possible, and reading positive affirmations can help reduce anxiety, stress, and fear. 

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Click on the button above to download our free printable birth affirmations. You can edit the text and you can change the background/border on each card.

You can read the labor affirmations to yourself while taking deep breaths or ask your birth partner or doula to read them to you.


Giving birth is painful and the unknown is scary. There are some women who seem to breeze through giving birth, but in general, it is one of the most difficult things you will do but it is the most rewarding. As hard as it is, we do it over and over which in itself is proof that it’s doable and worth it.

Here are some free customizable and printable Birth Affirmations to encourage and help you stay positive every step of the way through childbirth.

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One of the best ways to turn giving birth into a positive experience is to think positively. It isn’t always easy to think positively when you are in so much pain, but repeating positive birth affirmations is very helpful. Birth affirmations put you in a positive mindset. They make you trust yourself and your body and calm you down. When you feel fear and anxiety, you will feel the pain more than when you are relaxed and have trust in yourself and your body. Positive labor affirmations, if repeated enough, will help relax you and help you trust that you can get through this experience.

If you can read the birth mantras to yourself while taking deep breaths, then you will help yourself even more. Taking deep breaths is one of the most powerful things you can do to calm your body and your mind. Even though I last gave birth years ago, I still use deep breaths today to calm myself when I am stressed or feeling tense or anxious. It is one of the gifts I received from giving birth besides my amazing kids and realizing that I am capable of doing anything.

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How to Make Birth Affirmation Cards

Create affirmation cards, wall hangings, banners, or digital cards that you can read on your phone.

  1. Click on the button above to open the affirmation card maker.
  2. Select the design that you want to use. There are 20 sample cards, but you can change the border on each page and you can edit each affirmation. For example, say you want to write “I am powerful” instead of the mantra on one of the cards. Go to the “edit text” box and type “I am powerful” instead of the existing text. You can make it bigger, or smaller, or change the font and the font color.
  3. Read through the affirmations and edit if you prefer. If you like them as-is, then there is no need to edit them.
  4. Download as an image or a PDF file.
  5. Print on cardstock cards. Either print on a full-sized page (8.5″x11″) such as this one or on smaller-sized cards such as these: 5″x7″ or 4″x6″As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that if you purchase anything I earn a commission on your purchase but it doesn’t cost you anything. 


How to Make a Birth Affirmation Banner

Before you make a banner, you might want to check if your birthing center allows you to hang a banner on the wall of the delivery room.

  1. Create the printable birth affirmation cards as per the instructions above and print on cardstock.
  2. Punch a hole in each of the top two corners.
  3. Thread string through each of the cards to create a banner.

How to Make Digital Cards

  1. Download as many cards as you want in jpg format.
  2. Save them in your gallery on your smartphone.
  3. Scroll through the images on your phone to read the cards one by one.

30 Birth Affirmations

These are the affirmations that appear on the cards. Please note that the text on the cards is editable so you can edit if you prefer.

  • My body was made to deliver a child and I can do it easily.
  • My body knows what it is doing. I was made for this.
  • I trust my instincts.
  • I am confident. I can do this.
  • My mind is relaxed. My body is relaxed.
  • Every wave brings me closer to my baby.
  • My baby and I are working together.
  • I am strong and capable.
  • I am proud of myself.
  • I believe in my body.
  • My body knows exactly what to do
  • I can’t stop the waves, but I can surf them.
  • Every contraction brings me closer to my baby.
  • I am relaxed.
  • I am stronger than I ever imagined.
  • Inhale strength and exhale pain.
  • My baby trusts me, and I trust this process.
  • I breathe deeply and I am calm.
  • I can’t go around it, I have to go through it.
  • This pain will not last forever.
  • I am surrounded by love and support.
  • I am relaxed and happy that my baby is finally coming.
  • I am brave and fearless.
  • My body achieves what my mind believes.
  • The ability to give birth is a gift.
  • All of the strength I need is inside me.
  • When I feel I can do it no longer, I can, and I will.
  • Women all over the world are birthing with me right now.
  • Generations of mothers birthed before me. They did it and so can I.
  • I am ready to meet my baby.
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About the Author
Photo of NicoleMy name is Nicole. As someone who has personally experienced the transformative power of affirmations, I am deeply committed to sharing this powerful tool with others. My journey with affirmations began as a means to overcome personal obstacles and achieve my own goals. This journey not only led to significant personal growth but also ignited a passion to assist others in harnessing the same positive energy and focus in their lives. I aim to empower others by sharing practical strategies and insights that have been instrumental in my own success. My approach is grounded in real-life experience, making my guidance relatable and actionable for those seeking to create positive change in their lives.

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