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Jars of Insecurities

Our free Jars of Insecurities templates will help you identify and prioritize insecurities. Since everyone is insecure about different things, our templates, are customizable so you can edit them to suit your unique needs.

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Jars of Insecurities, or Insecurity Jars as they are sometimes called, are a fantastic way to face your insecurities head-on and work towards overcoming them. Insecurity can cause you to miss out on things you love or want because of fears, which are often rooted in social pressure or ways others have been unkind and made fun of you. However, for some people, the pressure comes from within, from feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and even depression. Jars of Insecurities have been used as a tool in psychology for many years, but in 2020 they rose to popularity thanks to users on TikTok sharing them on the platform to help others. In this article, we will teach you how to use two types of Jars of Insecurities.

An Insecurity Jar can serve as a visual representation of your commitment to self-improvement and a reminder of your strength and resilience. It can be a powerful tool for confronting and overcoming insecurities, fostering self-acceptance, and cultivating a positive mindset.

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What are Jars of Insecurities

Jars of insecurities are typically drawn on paper, representing the things the user feels insecure about. Fill these jars by coloring them so you can see how you feel about various things in your life that cause insecurity. This is a great way to monitor your mood and allows you to pinpoint problem areas, therefore aiding you in addressing the underlying causes of those feelings. You can also use an actual jar by writing down your insecurities on small pieces of paper and placing them in the jar.

How to Use Jars of Insecurities

The two most common types of jars of insecurities are those that look like jars and those that represent the human body. Using the templates and instructions below, you can create your own jars of insecurities. Simply download the file and print it for easy use. You can come back and print a clean copy if you want to repeat the exercise in the future.

Next, you’ll label and color them to show how you are feeling about various challenges and pressures in your daily life. Below we’ll go over the two types and briefly explain how best to use each. The concept is similar, but the body outline is specific to body insecurity, whereas the jars are also useful for other non-body-based insecurities.

Jars of Insecurities Template

Rows of Jars

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The rows of jars method depict a row of jars. Below each jar, is a label with some common insecurities. You can edit the label to show an issue you feel insecure about if it doesn’t appear.

Different people are insecure about different things. Some are insecure about their bodies and others about their personality. For that reason,  our free jar of insecurities templates are customizable . You can edit the labels on the jars to make them more relevant to your specific needs.

Customize the Labels / Print

You can use as many rows of jars as you need. You can either delete jars or duplicate them to add more. If you duplicate them then drag the new jars around the page.

Once your jars are labeled, use a crayon or colored pencil to fill the jar based on how insecure you feel about the subject.

Example: Many single people worry about putting themselves out there and dating. Label one jar ‘Dating.’ Then add a little color inside if you only feel mild anxiety, or fill it more based on how much this issue bothers you. People who are absolutely terrified of heartbreak, rejection, or failure in the dating department would fill the jar to the top. Then you repeat this process with other problems that make you feel insecure. If you don’t worry about dating, then choose the insecurities that are relevant to you. Most importantly, use as many labels and jars as you need to identify the things that apply to you. Everyone is unique.

A Body

A body-shaped insecurity jar is an outline of the human form. Instead of labeling individual insecurities, you will use this outline to color code how much insecurity you feel about parts of your body. Either use the template with four set colors or choose the blank template and make your own key. The top color (extremely) represents complete insecurity, trying to hide or fix that body area and maybe not even wanting anyone to see it. The next (a lot) is high stress, where you seldom feel good about that area, but you might have days when you don’t care or even feel okay about it. The third (a little) is the color for something that only bothers you sometimes. Fourth (not at all) is a low or no anxiety area where you rarely feel any insecurity, or perhaps you even love that feature and think it’s beautiful or handsome.

How Insecure Are You Template

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Female Body

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Male Body

Use the following templates if you want to change the color key or if you don’t have a color printer.

How insecure are you templatePin

Female Body

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Male Body

Once you have printed out your template and chosen your colors, all you need to do is start at the feet and work your way up. If some areas are more complicated, you can use colors to represent more detail and label these areas like you would a diagram, with a line leading away from the particular area and a name for the spot you are indicating.

Example: Some people love their faces but not their lips, so you could add a slash of a more worrisome color on the face and label it ‘Lips’ to indicate that this small area is the only feature you feel insecure about. You don’t need to be an artist and don’t worry about staying within the lines too carefully unless you want to.

The fill the jar template is customizable so you can use the jars for any purpose.

How to Combine Your Jars

Using the body form jar of insecurities and the jar-shaped jars together can also help. For example, you may choose to indicate more complex issues on your body jar, such as an eating disorder, in addition to concerns about weight or lack of ab definition. When you use the body jar to include these issues, it’s a good idea also to create a jar-shaped printout and show how you feel about each of these body-related anxieties.

Filling a Jar

You can also write down your insecurities on small pieces of paper and place them in a jar. Here’s how to create and use an Insecurity Jar:

  • Choose a jar: Select a jar or container that you like and find visually appealing. It can be a mason jar, a decorative glass container, or any vessel that you feel drawn to.
  • Decorate the jar (optional): If you wish, you can decorate the jar to make it more personalized. You can use ribbons, stickers, paint, or any other creative materials that resonate with you.
  • Write down your insecurities: Take small pieces of paper and write down your insecurities, one per paper. Be honest and specific about the thoughts or beliefs that cause you distress or hold you back.
  • Place the insecurities in the jar: Fold each piece of paper and place it inside the jar. As you do so, acknowledge that these insecurities no longer have power over you and that you are taking steps toward healing and growth.
  • Set intentions: Alongside the jar, you can place a note or affirmation that states your intentions to overcome your insecurities and build self-confidence. This serves as a reminder of your commitment to personal growth.
  • Reflect and challenge your insecurities: Regularly take moments to reflect on the insecurities within the jar. Challenge yourself to confront and question them. Consider why they hold power over you and explore ways to reframe those negative thoughts.
  • Celebrate progress: As you make progress in overcoming your insecurities, celebrate your victories. Whenever you feel confident in a specific area, you can remove the corresponding piece of paper from the jar, symbolizing your growth and resilience.
  • Seek support if needed: Remember that you don’t have to face your insecurities alone. Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or professionals for support and guidance along your journey.

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Benefits of Using Jars of Insecurities

Here is a list of the top 7 ways you can benefit from using jars of insecurities.

  • Assess your mood
  • Create a physical representation of your insecurity levels
  • Print out Jars of Insecurities daily or weekly to keep tabs on how your feelings toward these things fluctuate
  • Use the jars as a visual aid to discuss insecurities with your therapist
  • Face your insecurities and take positive steps to improve yourself
  • Help children and people who have trouble communicating identify their insecurities more easily
  • Use insecurity jars as a team-building trust exercise or group therapy activity

Common Types of Insecurities

Insecurity typically comes from comparing yourself to other people. All insecurities are psychological, but they can be broken into some common categories below to help you sort out those complex emotions and create insecurity jars for them. You can print as many pages of insecurity jar templates as you need for your insecurities.

Physical insecurities

Many insecurities are body based. These relate to concerns about one’s physical appearance, such as body shape, size, weight, facial features, skin conditions, or perceived flaws. Our incredibly unrealistic beauty standards for both men and women lead to people worrying and feeling insecure about everything from their toenails to their hair.

Social insecurities

These involve anxieties about social interactions, fitting in, or being accepted by others. It can include worries about being judged, criticized, or rejected.

Intellectual insecurities

These pertain to doubts about one’s intelligence, knowledge, or academic abilities. It may involve feeling inadequate compared to others or fearing failure in intellectual pursuits.

Emotional insecurities

Emotional insecurities involve our relationships, including with ourselves. These involve struggles with emotional vulnerability, self-worth, or self-acceptance. It can include feeling undeserving of love or fearing intimacy and emotional connections.

If you have fears about your partner, or not having one, cheating, friends stabbing you in the back, kids misbehaving, being a lousy parent, coworkers, and bosses not valuing you, not valuing yourself, not showing enough emotion, or too much, or anything else related to your feelings then it is emotional insecurity.

Achievement insecurities

These encompass doubts about one’s accomplishments, skills, or talents. It can involve feelings of imposter syndrome, where individuals believe they are not as competent as others perceive them to be.

Financial insecurities

These relate to worries about money, job security, or financial stability. They can include fears of poverty, debt, or not meeting financial obligations, competitiveness with peers who make more, or issues related to what money can or cannot give you are financial insecurities.

Relationship insecurities

These involve concerns about one’s desirability, attractiveness, or ability to maintain healthy relationships. It may include fears of rejection, abandonment, or being alone.

Existential insecurities

These pertain to broader questions about life’s purpose, meaning, and mortality. It can involve doubts about one’s identity, beliefs, or significance in the world.

Fear and Trauma

Fear and trauma-based insecurities are, at their core, another form of emotional insecurity. However, we are giving these their own category here to help you identify and face your insecurities. People with PTSD or other trauma-related feelings of insecurity or inadequacy often consider these emotions outside the so-called normal spectrum. Soldiers, people who have been abused or assaulted, and many others have insecurity based on those specific experiences. You can opt to put these in with emotional insecurities or give them their own space based on what works best for you.

Final Thoughts

It’s important to remember that insecurities can be complex and may overlap across different areas of life. People may experience insecurities in one or more of these categories simultaneously, and the specific insecurities can vary widely from person to person.

Jars of Insecurities are a tool for identifying, prioritizing, and coping with your unique issues. Using these templates, you can easily assess what makes you feel most insecure and where you need the most work. However, it is essential to avoid thinking of these as a solution. Instead, use these helpful documents as a step toward better mental health. Discuss your issues with a qualified therapist or even a good friend. Only then can you make a plan and take action to reduce or remove these insecurities from your life.

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About the Author
Photo of NicoleMy name is Nicole and I created this website to share the tools that keep me organized and productive and help me reach my goals. I hope that you will find them helpful too.

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