3535 Angel Number

3535 angel number

The 3535 angel number is usually sent to you when your guardian angels think you need to evaluate your priorities and restore balance in your life.  Your angels are asking you to make small changes in order to manifest your goals. Read on to see what changes they are asking you to make. 

Do you keep seeing 3535? It might appear on number plates, receipts, or even road signs. If 3535 keeps popping up everywhere, it might be a message from your guardian angels. Find out what the meaning of 3535 is and why it might be appearing.

3535 Meaning

What does 3535 mean?

The 35:35 angel number is made up of the repeated number 35. The more times a number repeats itself in a number sequence the more your angels are emphasizing its message. In 3535, the number 35 appears twice. Therefore, the angel number 35 meaning is doubled or emphasized.

The 35 angel number meaning is that your angels are asking you to look at the way you are balancing your priorities and restore balance in your life. The 35 35 meaning is similar to that of angel number 35 but it is as if the angels are trying to get your attention. They might have even sent you a message via number 35 in the past and you never noticed that they were trying to communicate with you.

When your angels send you 3535 they are urging you to make changes in your life to restore balance. 

3535 Angel Number Meaning

What does 3535 mean spiritually?

  • Number 3 is the first digit in the sequence 3535. The first digit describes the current situation which caused your angels to send you a message. Since angel number 3 represents balance and the connection of mind, soul, and body, you can assume that this message is being sent in order to restore balance in your life. Your angels are asking you to look at the way you are balancing your priorities and your life.
  • The central number 53 gives the angel number 3535 its core message. The angel number 53 is that change will create balance in your life.
  • The last digit signals the likely outcome. Angel number 5 is a sign of transformation and change, you can assume that your guardian angels will ensure that the outcome will be positive.

Therefore, the combination of 3 at the beginning, 53 in the middle, and 5 at the end of the sequence sends a message that  you have an imbalance in your life and you need to make changes to fix it .  These changes will improve your life. 

Angel number 3535 is sent to you in order to restore balance in your life. Your angels are asking you to evaluate your priorities and make changes where necessary. Once you do, your life will improve greatly.

3535 Spiritual Meaning

The angel number 3535 meaning is as follows:

Review the balance in your life

The 3535 angel number, is sending you an important reminder to  review and pay attention to the balance and harmony in your life .

3535 angel number - balance

Your guardian angels are asking you to review and evaluate your life. Are you exhausted or overwhelmed? Are you in control and focused? Have you set healthy boundaries in your life? Do you get enough rest? Do you have too much stress in your life?

Use our free online wheel of life maker to find out which areas of your life are not in balance.

This is a message that you have an opportunity for reflection, introspection, and a deeper understanding of things you never understood before. You have an opportunity to understand if your life is imbalanced and the implications of this imbalance. For example, if you are working too hard, your angels are providing you with a unique opportunity to understand the possible implications of overworking. If you have neglected your health, this is a wake-up call from your angels to make changes to your life.

Wheel of life

Now is a good time to review your life and your priorities. Find out where you need to make changes and make these changes. It’s important to remember that balance is a continuous process and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s always good to reflect and make adjustments as you go.
Close your eyes for one minute and think about the balance in your life. Reflect on how you are spending your time and energy, and identify areas where you may want to make changes. Some questions you can ask yourself to help assess balance in your life include:
  • Am I spending enough time on self-care and relaxation?
  • Am I dedicating enough time to my relationships and social connections?
  • Am I achieving a balance between my work and other responsibilities?
  • Am I finding fulfillment and satisfaction in the different areas of my life?
  • Am I setting and achieving goals that align with my values and priorities?

Plan your future

3535 angel number - goals
Angel number 3535 is a  reminder to look ahead and plan your future . Your guardian angels are reminding you of the importance of goals and dreams and asking you to create them now. This is a good opportunity to spend time outlining specific goals you have and define the steps you can take to achieve them. Your guardian angels will support you and ensure that the process is successful.
If you don’t have time to set detailed goals, then close your eyes for 2 minutes and think of one goal you would like to set for yourself. It can be big or small but it should be meaningful.

If you want to set more detailed goals, then use our free printable goal planner. It will help you set and reach goals and spend your time and energy on the things you define as meaningful. We also offer a free 40-page goal journal that will take you through every process step-by-step from setting goals to creating a plan to reach them.

Free Printable Goals Journal

The 3535 angel number comes as a sign to plan your future. Your guardian angels are reminding you of the importance of goal setting. Close your eyes and think of one goal you would like to set for yourself – no matter how big or small it is.

Make small changes

The 3535 angel number is related to changes. The meaning differs from person to person. These changes could be made purposely by you or changes that you have no control over and need to deal with.

If you have no control over the changes: try to look for the positive side of the situation. Turn life’s negatives into something positive. See When Life Gives You Lemons. Try to turn your lemons into lemonade. It takes a bit of creativity sometimes but it really works. Even if you are not an optimistic person, you are capable of optimism even if you have to initially force it. Fake it till you make it!

If you need or want to make changes: Make small changes instead of big overwhelming changes. For example, if your goal is to get active then commit to exercise for 2 minutes a day. If your goal is to lose weight, then focus on losing only two pounds. If your goal is to find a better job in a new field, then focus only on taking a course about the new field you want to get into. When you plan to make changes that are too big they are often not as successful as small consistent changes. Number 3535 is a sign of encouragement that even small changes will result in big changes over time.

The meaning of angel number 3535 is related to changes but differs from person to person. If you are experiencing changes in your life that you have no control over, then your angels are asking you to look on the positive side. If you need or want to make changes then this message comes to encourage you that even if you make small changes you will see big results over time.
Think of one small change you can make in your life and do this for the next three days. This should be a very small change that is easily achievable and sustainable. 

Manifest your goals

One of the best ways to make changes is to incorporate manifestation techniques. Some people try to manifest things in their life and are unsuccessful. The reason usually is that they make no changes and expect things to miraculously change. Manifestation doesn’t bring results if you make no effort. However, if you make the changes and apply manifestation techniques (such as visualization and gratitude) you will be successful.

3535 angel number - manifestation
 You have been given a great opportunity to manifest something you want. Don’t waste this opportunity.  Use it to manifest something you really want. Use manifestation to bring abundance in any area of your life, including your financial situation, love life, or career.
If you don’t know how to manifest then you might want to try our free Manifestation Journal which will guide you through each of the stages.

Free Manifestation Journal

Use manifestation to create the life you want. You can manifest anything you want. Now is a good time to try manifestation if you haven’t tried it already. If you did try and it didn’t work you might not have done it correctly. Use our free manifestation journal to help you manifest your dream life.

3535 Angel Number Love

When it comes to love, the 3535 angel number meaning is a good sign.

 If you are single: 

This could be a sign to restore the balance in your life before you are ready to be in a relationship. Use this time to focus on your own personal development. Don’t look for someone to complete you. Use this time to figure out who you are and what you stand for. This is a good time to think about what you are looking for in a relationship. Once you are feeling happy with your life and know what you want, you will be ready to meet your soul mate or twin flame (see Twin Flame vs Soulmate).

 If you are in a relationship: 

In a good relationship, you should feel grounded and balanced. Relationships should be balanced. One-sided relationships are not healthy. If your relationship is not balanced then this is a sign to create balance. You can do this through communication, and accepting each other for who you are. You might not agree on everything but you need to respect each other. The 3535 angel number meaning in love is to reflect on your relationships to check if they are in balance.

3535 Angel Number Twin Flame

The meaning of angel number 3535 when it comes to your twin flame depends on whether or not you are in a twin flame relationship:

3535 Angel Number Twin Flame Reunion

A twin flame relationship is about change and spiritual growth. Since 3535 is a sign to restore balance in your life, it might be the reason your twin flame reunion has not happened yet. Once you work on restoring balance in your life, you and your twin flame will probably be reunited. The angel 3535 meaning, therefore, is to check where you need to restore this balance in your life before you are ready for the reunion.

3535 Angel Number Twin Flame Separation

The 3535 meaning when it comes to twin flame separation is that a lack of balance might have caused the separation. Reflect on your relationship and see if there are new ways to make your relationship more balanced. This might help your relationship get back on track.

3535 Journal Prompts

Angel numbers are sent to guide us and help us find the right path. Sometimes, a number has a secret meaning that we don’t understand at first. For example, the number 3535 encourages us to make changes to restore balance in our lives. Many people are not sure what or how to change. The following journal prompts are specifically related to angel number 3535 and will help you understand the secret message your angels are trying to send you.

  1. Reflect on the different areas of your life (such as work, relationships, hobbies, self-care) and brainstorm ways to create more balance in each of them.
  2. Make a list of activities that bring you a sense of balance and peace, and make a plan to incorporate them into your weekly routine.
  3. Consider the people in your life and how they may be impacting your sense of balance. Are there any relationships that need to be reevaluated or boundaries that need to be set?
  4. Reflect on your values and how they align with the way you are currently spending your time. Are there any adjustments you can make to align your actions with your values?
  5. Write about a goal or dream you have and think about how it can be incorporated into your life in a balanced way.
  6. Take a step back and evaluate your current priorities. Are they aligned with what is truly important to you? If not, make a plan to realign them.
  7. Think about any negative self-talk or limiting beliefs that may be impacting your sense of balance. Write down counter arguments for these beliefs to remind yourself of a more balanced perspective.

Affirmations to repeat when you keep seeing 3535

Affirmations are positive statements that can help to change negative thought patterns and reinforce positive beliefs. Here are a few examples of affirmations that you can repeat when you keep seeing 3535:

“I am in control of my life and prioritize what is important to me.”
“I am surrounded by positive and supportive relationships.”
“I am able to balance my work and other responsibilities.”
“I am able to set and achieve goals that align with my values and priorities.”
“I trust in my ability to create balance in my life.”
“I choose to let go of perfection and embrace balance.”
“I am open to new opportunities and experiences that bring balance to my life.”

It’s important to remember that the power of affirmations comes from repetition and consistency. It’s best to read them daily and to make them personal by using “I” statements. They should also be phrased in the present tense. You can write them in a journal, repeat them aloud, or even make them into a daily reminder on your phone or computer.

3535 Numerology

To find the meaning of 3535 in numerology you reduce the digits in 3535 (3+5+3+5=16) which is reduced to 7 (1+6=7). Therefore, according to numerology, number 3535 takes on the meaning and vibrations of number 7.

What does the number 7 mean? Number 7 is the teaching-learning number. It symbolizes spiritual development, the process by which we attain self-knowledge. Number 7 symbolizes wisdom and intuition. The vibrational frequency of this number can help you with reflection and introspection and a deeper understanding of things you never understood before.

Number 3535 is reduced to 7, which means it takes on the meaning and vibrations of number 7, which symbolizes wisdom and intuition.

3535 Meaning

The 35 35 angel number is made up of the cardinal numbers 3 and 5 and therefore has the attributes and energies of numbers 3 and 5. Since it is reduced to number 7, it also has the attributes and energies of number 7.

  • Number 3 carries the vibrations of growth, harmony, inspiration, optimism, and enthusiasm. Angel number 3 resonates with virtues such as harmony and balance.
  • Number 5 carries the vibration of change, expansion, and transformation. Angel number 5 resonates with change and transformation.
  • Number 7 symbolizes wisdom and intuition. The vibrational frequency of this number can help you with reflection and introspection and a deeper understanding of things you never understood before.