Life Path Number Calculator

Life Path Calculator

How to calculate your life path number with a calculator

What is my life path number? Use our free online Life Path Number Calculator to calculate your life path number.

How to find your life path number without a calculator

Numerologists use different methods to calculate a life path number. Most numerologists agree on the following method:

Day + Month + Year = Life Path Number

Calculate the Day

Reduce the birth day to a one-digit number. If a day is a single-digit number then it is used as is. If it is a double-digit number then it is reduced as below. 11, and 22 are considered master numbers, so if the double-digit number is 11 or 22 (master numbers) then they are not reduced to single-digit numbers but used as-is (11 or 22).

Calculate the Month

To calculate the month, use the following values:

  • January – 1
  • February – 2
  • March – 3
  • April – 4
  • May – 5
  • June – 6
  • July – 7
  • August – 8
  • September – 9
  • October – 10 (reduces to 1+0=1)
  • November – 11 (Since 11 is a master number it is not reduced)
  • December – 12 (reduces to 1+2=3)


If a month is a single-digit number, then you use it as is.

If it is a double-digit number then, you reduce it as above. If the double-digit number is 11 or 22 (master numbers) then you do not reduce them to single-digit numbers but use them as-is (11 or 22).

Calculate the Year

Calculate the value of each of the digits in the birth year. If the answer is a two-digit number then reduce it.

Calculate the Life Path Number

Add the day, month and year to get the final number. Reduce this number if it is a double-digit number unless it is 11, 22, and 33* (master numbers). Therefore, the final life path number will be either a 1 to 9, 11, 22, or 33.

* If the result is a double-digit 33 and it does not include an 11 or a 22 then the result is reduced to 6 (33: 3+3=6). In this case, it will not be a Master Number. However, if the result includes either an 11 or a 22 Master Number then it is considered a true 33 and a Master Number.


If someone was born on the following birth date: December 28, 1965

Day: 28 (2+8=10), this is reduced to (1+0=1) so the number is 1

Month: December is the 12th calendar month (1+2=3) so the month number is 3

Year: 1965 (1+9+6+5)=21 =(2+1)=3

The life path number is the Day + Month + Year

In this example, it is 1+3+3=7

If someone was born on the following date of birth: November 28, 1965

Day: 28 (2+8=10), this is reduced to (1+0=1) so the number is 1

Month: November is the 11th calendar month. Since 11 is a Master Number it is not reduced  so the month number is 11

Year: 1965 (1+9+6+5)=21 =(2+1)=3

The life path number is the Day + Month + Year

In this example, it is 1+11+3=14

We then reduce 14 to 1+4=5

So the Life Path Number is 5

What is a Life Path Number?

Your life path number is considered one of the most important and influential numbers within your entire Numerology Chart. Your Life Path Number (LPN) is calculated from your date of birth. That does not mean that everyone born on the same date will have the same numerology since it is also influenced by your name and your environment.

Your Life Path number reveals the special path you will navigate in your lifetime. It is the driving force behind your personality. Your life path number uncovers your natural talents and skills, virtues, unique opportunities, and important lessons that will help you achieve your destiny. Your life path number reveals more about your true nature than any other number. It shows where you will find your success, power, and energy. It will also uncover the shadow side of your personality. Your life path number is similar to a map full of opportunities. However, the path that you choose to take will be determined by your mindset. If you have a positive mindset, you will see the opportunities shown on your map. If you have a negative mindset, then you will focus only on the challenges shown on the map. You might miss the opportunities for growth and happiness.

If you tune in to your life path number, it can lead you to a fulfilling career that utilizes your natural talents and capabilities as well as greater self-awareness and better relationships with others. It will help you understand the choices you make and how you relate to situations and relationships with others.

Life Path Number Meaning

Click on the links below to see the meaning of each number.

Not sure what your number is? Use the life number calculator above.

What is a good life path number?

There is no good or bad life path number. Every life path number has strengths and challenges.

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