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Ways To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

41 ways to step out of your comfort zone in order to promote your personal growth with tips on how to make it less stressful.

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What is a comfort zone?

A comfort zone is a psychological state in which an individual feels safe and at ease. It refers to a set of familiar and predictable circumstances, activities, or environments that a person feels comfortable in and that they have learned to associate with a sense of security. It can be related to different areas of life, such as work, relationships, personal habits, beliefs, or routines.

Why is it important to leave your comfort zone?

Being in a comfort zone can provide a sense of security and stability, but it can also limit personal growth, prevent an individual from experiencing new things and reaching their full potential. Stepping out of one’s comfort zone can be challenging, as it requires facing fears and unknowns, but it can also lead to personal growth and the development of new skills and abilities.

Leaving your comfort zone is important for several reasons:

Personal growth: Stepping out of your comfort zone allows you to challenge yourself and develop new skills and abilities. It helps you to grow as a person and become more resilient.

Creates new opportunities: By leaving your comfort zone, you open yourself up to new experiences and opportunities that would not have been available to you otherwise.

Helps to overcome fears: Facing fears and unknown situations is a way to overcome them and gain confidence and self-esteem.

Improves mental and physical well-being: Trying new things and taking risks can help to reduce stress and improve overall mental and physical well-being.

Helps to break out of a rut: Being in a comfort zone for too long can lead to feeling stuck or unfulfilled. Getting out of your comfort zone can help to break this cycle and bring a sense of excitement and purpose to your life.

Helps to build stronger relationships: The more we open ourselves to new experiences and ways of thinking, the more we grow as people and the more we can connect to others.

Helps in personal development: Stepping out of your comfort zone is a way to push personal limits and find out what you are truly capable of, it’s a way to self-discovery.

How to leave your comfort zone

Start small: Begin with small steps that are manageable and gradually increase the level of difficulty.

Face your fear head-on: Confront your fear directly by facing the situation that causes you to feel uncomfortable. Think about why it makes you feel uncomfortable. You can use our online root cause analysis quiz to get to understand the root cause if you are not sure what it causing these feelings.

Reframe your thoughts: Change the way you think about the situation by reframing it as an opportunity for growth rather than a threat. Think about a similar situation in the past and how it helped you. What did you learn from it? How did you grow?

Seek support: Talk to a friend, family member, or therapist about your fear and seek their support and encouragement.

Learn from others: Look to role models or people who have successfully overcome similar fears for inspiration and guidance. If the people you usually hang out with always play it very safe then try also hanging out with people who are more open to new experiences.

Reward yourself: When you successfully step out of your comfort zone, reward yourself to reinforce the positive behavior. Use one of our free habit trackers with a reward to keep track of each time you leave your comfort zone. Even if you take a new route somewhere or try something new mark it on your habit tracker.

Be present: Practicing Mindfulness and meditation helps us to be more aware of our thoughts and emotions, and to understand where the fear comes from and how to overcome it.

Don’t be too hard on yourself, it’s important to remember that it’s normal to feel fear, and it’s okay to take things at your own pace.

Ways to leave your comfort zone

Everyone’s comfort zone is different, and what may be challenging for one person may not be for another. The most important thing is to make a conscious effort to get out of your comfort zone, and to be open to new experiences and opportunities.

Here are some things you can do to step out of your comfort zone:

    1. Take on a new challenge at work or school: Volunteer for a new project or task that you haven’t done before.
    2. Try a new hobby or activity: Sign up for a class or club that interests you but that you haven’t tried before. Sign up for a course or workshop on a topic you’re curious about but have never pursued
    3. Travel to a new place: Plan a trip to a place you’ve never been before, whether it’s in your own city or in a different country.
    4. Meet new people: Attend social events and gatherings, join a new group or club, or start a conversation with a stranger.
    5. Public speaking: Give a presentation or speak in front of a group of people, whether it’s at work, school, or a community event. If this is way too far out of your comfort zone then consider taking a public speaking class.
    6. Change your routine: Mix up your daily routine by doing things in a different order, taking a different route to work, eating your meals at different times, starting work later and spending the morning doing something you love, leaving work early and doing something special.
    7. Try a new morning routine: Use our free morning routine maker to create the perfect morning routine for your specific needs. Try getting up one hour earlier and see if you enjoy the new routine. If you enjoy it you might want to do it on a regular basis.
    8. Try something adventurous: Go bungee jumping, skydiving, rock climbing, white-water rafting, or do something else that is safe but scares you.
    9. Try something new: like learning a new language, playing a musical instrument, getting a different haircut, or taking up a new sport.
    10. Expose yourself to a new culture: read up about a place you have never been to, learn a few words in the language spoken there, go to an ethnic restaurant, prepare a recipe for a dish popular in that country, and connect with someone from that place on Facebook.
    11. Express yourself: Share your thoughts and feelings with others, or participate in a form of self-expression like journaling, writing, dancing, or painting.
    12. Try meditation or yoga: if you have already tried them then try a new type. There are many types of meditation and yoga that you can try. There are tons of free guided videos on YouTube.
    13. Improve a relationship: Do you have a bad relationship with someone who you have been avoiding? Confront them and put it behind you. See how to use gratitude to improve a relationship.
    14. Rethink bad relationships: Have you ever been wronged by someone? Has someone hurt you in the past? Consider your part and what you might have done to contribute to the situation. If you think the relationship is worth saving then take the first step to understand what exactly happened and why. Consider and embrace a new perspective. It might have been a big misunderstanding. On the other hand, if this is a toxic relationship then don’t bother fixing it.
    15. Confront someone you have been avoiding: Do you find yourself taking a new route to avoid people you don’t want to confront? Consider putting it behind you and getting over it. You don’t have to forgive the person but since you are the one who is actively avoiding the other person it will improve your life to release these negative feelings. It isn’t easy but it will help you.
    16. Release a grudge or resentment: Have you ever been wronged by someone? Do you still hold a grudge? Nelson Mandela once said that “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies”. Try to let go and release this resentment. It will require you to leave your comfort zone but it will also lead to happiness and empowerment.
    17. Try a treatment you have never tried before: Shiatsu, acupuncture, reflexology, or a new kind of massage.
    18. Start a savings plan: Set up a monthly automatic savings plan that automatically deducts a specified amount on a regular basis from your bank account and deposits it directly into your savings account. Make the amount that is automatically transferred a little challenging to save so that it takes you out of your comfort zone. Make it an amount that you will have to put some effort into saving. How much can you save? See our free savings template.
    19. Try a no spend challenge: A no-spend challenge will definitely take you out of your comfort zone but it will help you to build a little savings egg or reduce your debt. See our free 30-day no-spend challenge.
    20. Try using cash envelopes: If you are used to taking out your credit card every time you want something without thinking if you need it or not then try using the cash envelope system. This is a great way to stick to a budget even if you might need to leave your comfort zone to do it.
    21. Have more courage: If you haven’t seen the documentary “The Call to Courage” by Brene Brown (it’s on Netflix) then watch it today. It shows you how to choose courage over comfort and how it can help you. I personally have missed many opportunities due to lack of courage and watching this documentary helped me have more courage and make decisions that have helped me a lot in life.
    22. Journal: There are many benefits of journaling. If you already journal then try a new type of journaling such as morning pages or see our other free journal templates.
    23. Read an old letter: have you ever received a painful letter, SMS, or WhatsApp in the past? Reread it and try to see if you can let go of the pain or confront the person to release the negative feelings you are holding on to.
    24. Set a goal that won’t be easy to achieve: Set a goal that you will have to step out of your comfort zone to achieve. It should be something that is achievable but will require effort on your part. Make the goal SMART and see our free goal planner to help you set and achieve your goal.
    25. Go somewhere by yourself: Go somewhere you don’t usually alone. It could be to the movies or to a restaurant.
    26. Take a trip by yourself: Go somewhere all by yourself. I took a one-year trip around the world all by myself. I met more people and experienced more things than I would have if I wasn’t by myself. I grew more in that year than in any other year of my life.
    27. Learn something new: Take a class or workshop on a topic you’re curious about but never pursued. You can also sign up for a course or read a book about that topic.
    28. Cook different food: Learn how to make a recipe you have never tried or sign up for a cooking class to make something you have never made before. If you are constantly making the same dishes then this is a good step to take. A few weeks ago I personally took this challenge and decided to try a new recipe at least once a week. I have since made some good dishes that everyone enjoyed. I am so happy that I tried new things and so are my kids who were getting bored with my cooking.
    29. Give something another shot: Try to do one thing that you once tried and failed to do.
    30. Start a new project or business: You don’t have to leave your job. Try to create a small business or start a side hustle.
    31. Try a new form of exercise: Sign up for a new class or activity like spinning, dancing, or martial arts.
    32. Meet new people: Attend social events, join a new group or club, or start a conversation with a stranger. Attend a networking event or join a networking group. If you are single then sign up for a dating app or go on a blind date.
    33. Express yourself in a different way: Share your thoughts and feelings with others, try journaling, or participate in a form of self-expression like writing, dancing, art, or painting.
    34. Volunteer:  Volunteer for a new project or task at work or school or volunteer for a charity or community service.
    35. Take on a new challenge: see our 30-day challenges.
    36. Recite affirmations: If you have never tried using affirmations then try our free affirmation creator that will help you write positive affirmations and take you step-by-step.
    37. Overcome self-limiting beliefs: There are many ways to overcome self-limiting beliefs that are preventing you from living your best life.
    38. Confront your inner child: Use our free inner child journal to love and accept yourself and get rid of the obstacles that are holding you back.
    39. Start a new hobby: Start a hobby that challenges you, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
    40. Raise your standard: How you do anything is how you do everything. Raise your standard for anything and everything you do.
    41. Read a challenging book: Read a book that challenges you, makes you uncomfortable or provides some new viewpoint.


  1. Remember that stepping out of your comfort zone does not have to be extreme. It’s okay to start small and take baby steps. It can be as simple as trying a new food or taking a different route to work. The most important thing is to make a conscious effort to step out of your comfort zone and to be open to new experiences and opportunities.
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About the Author
Photo of NicoleMy name is Nicole and I created this website to share the tools that keep me organized and productive and help me reach my goals. I hope that you will find them helpful too.

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