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Maroon Color


What Color is Maroon?

Maroon is a dark, brownish-red color. It’s a rich and intense color, often described as a deep red with a hint of earthy brown. The color maroon is typically associated with a more serious, subdued, and mature aesthetic compared to brighter reds. It’s commonly used in clothing, especially in formal wear, school uniforms, and sports team jerseys, as well as in interior design for a warm and sophisticated atmosphere. The brown undertones in maroon give it a more muted appearance than a pure or bright red, lending it an air of elegance and understated luxury.

Is Maroon a shade of red?

Yes, maroon is considered a shade of red. It is a darker, more muted tone of red, distinguished by its brownish undertones. Maroon achieves its unique appearance by adding black or brown to a base red, resulting in a deeper and less vibrant color compared to pure red. This gives maroon its characteristic rich, earthy, and somewhat subdued hue, which is often associated with elegance, formality, and sophistication.

Maroon Color Code

Maroon Hex Code

The hex code for maroon is #800000. This code represents the deep, brownish-red shade that is characteristic of maroon, widely used in digital and web design to accurately reproduce this specific color.


Shades of Maroon

The maroon color palette offers a variety of shades, each with its unique character and charm. From deep, dark tones to lighter, more subtle hues, the maroon spectrum is rich and versatile. Here’s a look at some key shades within the maroon color palette:

Maroon Red: This is the classic maroon shade, a rich and deep red with a touch of brown, embodying the traditional maroon color. Hex Code: #800000


Dark Maroon: Dark maroon is a deeper and more intense version of the classic maroon, with added black to give it an almost velvety depth. Hex Code: #500000


Maroon Purple: This shade blends maroon with more purple, giving it a slightly cooler and more vibrant undertone than the standard maroon. Hex Code: #600040


Light Maroon: Light maroon softens the intensity of the classic maroon, offering a more muted and subtle red-brown hue. Hex Code: #A04060


Rich Maroon: Rich maroon is a vibrant and saturated version of maroon, maintaining its deep red essence but with a more pronounced intensity. Hex Code: #B03060


Earthy Maroon: This shade emphasizes the brown undertones in maroon, resulting in a more grounded, earthy color. Hex Code: #6C2E1F


Each of these shades of maroon brings its unique flavor to the palette, offering a range of options for different applications in design, fashion, and art. The maroon color palette is celebrated for its depth, warmth, and versatility.

Colors That Go with Maroon

Maroon, with its deep and rich hue, pairs beautifully with a variety of colors. The right combination can either create a striking contrast or a harmonious blend.

What Colors Go With Maroon?

Here are some colors that go well with maroon, along with a brief explanation of why they work together:

Cream or Beige (#F5F5DC):

These neutral shades provide a soft contrast to the intensity of maroon, creating a sophisticated and balanced look. They bring out the warmth in maroon, making the combination elegant and understated.


Gold (#FFD700):

Gold adds a touch of luxury and opulence when paired with maroon. This combination is often seen in formal and festive settings, as it creates a rich and regal aesthetic.


Navy Blue (#000080):

Navy blue offers a subtle yet striking contrast to maroon. Both colors are deep and rich, making the pairing sophisticated and ideal for professional and elegant designs.


Gray (#808080):

Gray, especially lighter shades, can balance the depth of maroon with its neutral and modern vibe. This combination is sleek and contemporary, suitable for both fashion and interior design.


Teal (#008080):

Teal provides a vibrant and lively contrast to maroon. The coolness of teal complements the warmth of maroon, making the combination dynamic and visually interesting.


Forest Green (#228B22):

Forest green and maroon both have a deep, natural quality, making them a harmonious and sophisticated pairing. This combination often evokes a sense of nature and richness.


Dusty Pink (#D3B4AD):

Dusty pink offers a softer, more romantic contrast to the boldness of maroon. This pairing is often used in settings that aim for a gentle yet rich color scheme.


Burnt Orange (#CC5500):

Burnt orange and maroon both have rich, warm undertones. Together, they create a cozy, autumnal feel, perfect for creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.


Each of these colors brings out a different aspect of maroon, from elegance and luxury to earthiness and vibrancy. The combinations can be used in various contexts, from fashion and interior design to graphic design and art, to create visually appealing and balanced color schemes.

Maroon Color Meaning

Maroon, a deep, rich color that is a darker shade of red, carries a variety of meanings and connotations. Here are some key aspects of maroon’s color meaning:

  1. Sophistication and Elegance:
    • Maroon is often associated with a sense of sophistication and elegance. Its depth and richness lend it a more mature and refined quality compared to brighter reds.
  2. Strength and Confidence:
    • As a dark red, maroon embodies strength and confidence, but in a more subdued and controlled manner than the boldness of pure red.
  3. Warmth and Comfort:
    • The brown undertones in maroon give it a warm and comforting feel. It’s a color that can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere, often used in interior design for this reason.
  4. Seriousness and Maturity:
    • Maroon is perceived as a serious and mature color. It’s often chosen by institutions and organizations for uniforms and logos to convey a sense of responsibility and reliability.
  5. Passion and Intensity:
    • While it is less vibrant than red, maroon still retains elements of passion and intensity. It suggests a depth of feeling and emotion, but with a more controlled and contained energy.
  6. Wealth and Luxury:
    • Maroon can also be associated with wealth and luxury, particularly because of its use in high-end products and its appearance in nature, such as in rich, autumn leaves.
  7. Spirituality and Ambition:
    • In some cultures, maroon is associated with spirituality and higher ambition. It’s a color often used in religious and ceremonial garments.
  8. Connection to Nature:
    • Maroon, especially in its earthier tones, can also signify a connection to nature and the earth, representing growth, fertility, and the natural world.

In summary, maroon is a color that conveys a range of meanings from sophistication and warmth to strength and maturity. Its associations make it a versatile color used in various contexts to convey different moods and messages.

What Does It Reveal About You If Maroon Is Your Favorite Color?

Maroon, a deep and rich shade that blends red and brown, holds significant psychological implications. If maroon is your favorite color, it may reveal various aspects of your personality and preferences:

  1. Appreciation for Sophistication:
    • A preference for maroon often indicates a love for sophistication and elegance. You might be drawn to things that embody a sense of classic style and understated luxury.
  2. Depth and Thoughtfulness:
    • Maroon, with its rich depth, suggests that you might have a thoughtful and introspective personality. You could be perceived as someone who values depth in your relationships and pursuits.
  3. Maturity and Responsibility:
    • Favoring maroon might reflect a mature outlook on life. You may be seen as responsible and reliable, someone who takes their commitments seriously.
  4. Warmth and Comforting Nature:
    • The warmth of maroon could indicate that you seek to create a welcoming and comfortable environment. You might value stability and comfort in your personal and professional life.
  5. Passion with Restraint:
    • While maroon shares the passion of red, it’s more subdued, suggesting that you experience strong emotions but with a level of restraint and control.
  6. Ambition and Determination:
    • The intensity of maroon can also signify ambition, but unlike the aggressive nature of bright red, your ambition is likely tempered with patience and thoughtfulness.
  7. Connection to Tradition:
    • Maroon is often associated with tradition and heritage. A preference for this color might indicate a respect for customs and values that have stood the test of time.
  8. Natural Leader:
    • The strength and depth of maroon can also suggest leadership qualities. You might be someone who naturally takes charge, doing so in a way that is both assertive and considerate.

In summary, a love for maroon may point to a personality that values depth, sophistication, and warmth, combined with a mature and responsible approach to life. As with all color psychology, these interpretations offer insights but are not definitive, as individual experiences and cultural contexts can also influence color preferences.

What Colors Make Maroon

  1. Primary Red:
    • Red is the base color for maroon. It provides the initial rich, vibrant tone.
  2. Blue:
    • Adding blue to red deepens the color, moving it away from a bright red towards a more purple or burgundy shade. The amount of blue should be significantly less than red to maintain the red dominance in the mix.
  3. Brown or Black (Optional):
    • To achieve the brownish undertone that is characteristic of maroon, you can add a small amount of brown paint. If brown is not available, a tiny bit of black can be used instead. Be cautious with black, as it can quickly overpower the other colors and make the mixture too dark.

The exact proportions can vary depending on the specific shades of red and blue you start with and the desired shade of maroon. A common starting point might be a ratio of about 5 parts red to 1 part blue, with a small dab of brown or black to adjust the tone. The key is to experiment and adjust the proportions until you achieve the desired deep, rich maroon color.

How to Make Maroon Color

Making maroon color involves mixing primary colors to achieve its distinctive deep, brownish-red hue. The process can vary slightly depending on the medium (such as paint, digital color mixing, etc.) and the specific shades of the primary colors you start with. Here’s a basic guide:

Using Paints

  1. Start with Red and Blue:
    • Begin by mixing red and blue paint. Maroon is essentially a dark red, so the red should dominate the mixture. The blue is added to deepen the red and give it a slightly purple undertone.
  2. Adjust the Proportions:
    • A good starting ratio might be about 5 parts red to 1 part blue. Mix thoroughly and observe the color. If it’s too purple, add more red.
  3. Add Brown or Black:
    • To achieve the brownish undertone characteristic of maroon, add a small amount of brown paint. If brown paint is not available, a tiny bit of black can be used instead. Be cautious with black, as it can quickly overpower the other colors.
  4. Fine-Tuning:
    • Continue adjusting the proportions until you reach the desired shade of maroon. If the color becomes too dark, you can lighten it by adding a bit more red.

Using Digital Tools

In digital design, creating maroon can be more straightforward:

Color Codes:

    • Use specific color codes to get maroon. For example, in RGB color space, a mix of high red, low green, and medium to low blue values can give you a shade of maroon.
    • A common HEX code for maroon is #800000.

Adjusting Saturation and Brightness:

    • Play with the saturation and brightness settings to get the exact shade of maroon you’re looking for. Increasing saturation will make the color more vivid, while adjusting brightness can make it darker or lighter.

Whether mixing paints or using digital tools, creating the perfect shade of maroon requires some experimentation and adjustment. The key is to start with more red and gradually add blue and brown (or black) until you achieve the desired deep, rich hue.

Maroon Vs Burgundy

What is the difference between maroon and burgundy?

Maroon and Burgundy are both deep, rich colors that are often confused due to their similarities, but they have distinct differences:

  • Color Composition: Maroon is primarily a dark red color with a brownish hue. It’s created by adding brown (or sometimes black) to red, which results in a darker, more muted red.
  • Appearance: Maroon tends to be a bit more on the brown side, giving it an earthier, more understated look compared to burgundy.
  • Usage: Maroon is widely used in clothing, especially in uniforms and formal wear, as well as in branding and design where a deep, rich color is desired without the intensity of a bright red.
  • Color Composition: Burgundy is named after Burgundy wine and is a mix of red and purple, giving it a more purplish undertone than maroon.
  • Appearance: Burgundy appears richer and more vibrant than maroon, with a more noticeable purple or wine-like hue.
  • Usage: Burgundy is often associated with luxury and sophistication. It’s used in various contexts, from fashion to interior design, where an elegant and rich color is desired.

In summary, while both maroon and burgundy are dark reds, maroon leans more towards brown and is more muted, whereas burgundy leans towards purple, giving it a richer and more vibrant appearance. The choice between the two often depends on the desired aesthetic and the specific context in which the color is being used.

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About the Author
Photo of NicoleMy name is Nicole and I'm an avid lover of colors, always excited to mix and match different hues to see what they create. For me, colors are more than just visual elements; they're a way to understand and express emotions. I enjoy diving into the meanings behind each color and using this knowledge to create printables that are not only visually appealing but also evoke specific emotions and convey messages through thoughtful color choices.

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