101 Planners » Colors » Indigo Color

Indigo Color


What Color is Indigo?

Indigo is a deep and rich color that sits on the color spectrum between blue and violet. It’s often described as a dark purplish blue, resembling the hue of the natural dye obtained from the indigo plant. Indigo is reminiscent of the night sky and is sometimes even associated with the deeper shades of denim or blue jeans. This color is traditionally regarded as one of the seven colors of the rainbow, positioned between blue and violet. Its unique blend of blue and purple tones gives it a mysterious and profound quality, often linked with depth and introspection.

Indigo Hex Code

The hex code for Indigo is #4B0082.

In RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color space, this corresponds to a red component of 75, a green component of 0, and a blue component of 130. Indigo is a deep, dark blue-purple color, often associated with the natural dye of the same name. This rich hue evokes a sense of depth and introspection.


Shades of Indigo

Indigo Color Code

Light Indigo: Hex Code: #6F6FBD

This is a lighter, more pastel version of Indigo, providing a soft and approachable tone that’s easy on the eyes.


Deep Indigo: Hex Code: #310062

A deeper and more intense shade of Indigo, embodying the richness and depth of the night sky.


Electric Indigo: Hex Code: #6600FF

A vibrant and energetic shade of Indigo, resonating with the liveliness and brightness of electric blue.


Soft Indigo: Hex Code: #7A7ABD

A subdued and gentle shade of Indigo, offering a tranquil and soothing appearance, ideal for creating a serene ambiance.


Indigo Color Combinations

Colors That Go With Indigo and Colors that Complement Indigo

In this section, we explore a selection of colors that harmonize beautifully with Indigo, a deep and profound hue that sits between blue and violet on the color spectrum. Each color chosen complements Indigo’s enigmatic and introspective character, creating aesthetically pleasing combinations. From the calming presence of soft gray to the striking contrast of crisp white, these pairings accentuate the depth and versatility of Indigo. Whether in fashion, interior design, or art, these color combinations offer a range of possibilities to enhance the allure of Indigo.

Soft Gray: Hex Code: #D3D3D3


Gray provides a neutral backdrop that allows Indigo to shine. It’s perfect for a modern, sophisticated look that balances the depth of Indigo.

Crisp White: Hex Code: #FFFFFF


White offers a stark, clean contrast to Indigo, creating a fresh and timeless pairing. This combination is ideal for a crisp and balanced look, highlighting the richness of Indigo.

Gold: Hex Code: #FFD700


Gold adds a luxurious and opulent touch to Indigo. It’s perfect for creating an elegant and rich look, where the warm tones of gold beautifully complement the cool depth of Indigo.

Indigo Color Meaning

The color Indigo, with its deep blue-purple hue, carries various meanings and connotations, deeply rooted in its rich and introspective qualities. Here are some key interpretations of what Indigo represents:

  1. Intuition and Insight: Indigo is often associated with intuition, insight, and deep inner knowledge. It’s seen as a color that stimulates deeper thinking and introspection.
  2. Spirituality and Wisdom: This color is linked to spirituality and wisdom. In various spiritual practices, Indigo is connected to the third eye chakra, which represents intuition and foresight.
  3. Calmness and Serenity: Indigo’s deep blue aspect invokes feelings of calmness and serenity, similar to the effect of deep blue waters or the night sky.
  4. Authority and Dignity: The richness of Indigo gives it an association with authority, dignity, and high status. It’s a color that commands respect.
  5. Creativity and Imagination: Indigo is also thought to inspire creativity and imagination, encouraging innovative thinking and artistic expression.
  6. Mystery and Depth: The dark tone of Indigo suggests mystery and depth, evoking a sense of the unknown or the mysteries of the universe.

These interpretations of Indigo can vary culturally and individually, but overall, it is viewed as a profound and meaningful color, often chosen for its ability to inspire deep thought and reflection.

Is Indigo Your Favorite Color? Here’s What It Says About You

If Indigo is your favorite color, it may reveal certain traits and characteristics about your personality. Here’s what a preference for Indigo might indicate:

  1. Intuitive and Insightful: You likely have a strong intuition and an ability to see beyond the surface of things. Your insightfulness helps you understand deeper truths and complexities.
  2. Thoughtful and Reflective: You probably enjoy spending time in contemplation, thinking deeply about various aspects of life. You value wisdom and often seek to gain a deeper understanding of your surroundings and experiences.
  3. Calm and Serene: Just like the tranquil quality of the color Indigo, you may have a calm and composed demeanor. You can maintain your cool in stressful situations, providing a sense of stability to those around you.
  4. Creative and Imaginative: You might possess a rich imagination and creative flair, often finding unique and innovative solutions to problems.
  5. Mysterious and Enigmatic: You could have an air of mystery about you, intriguing others. You might prefer to keep certain aspects of your life private or enjoy the allure of the unknown.
  6. Authentic and Individualistic: You are likely to be true to yourself and not afraid to stand out from the crowd. Your choice of a less common favorite color reflects a non-conformist and independent streak.

It’s important to remember that color preferences are highly personal and can be influenced by a variety of factors. While these traits might align with a love for Indigo, they might not apply universally, as everyone’s relationship with color is unique.

How to Make Indigo Color

Using Paints

To mix an Indigo color with paints, you’ll need a good blue and red, as Indigo is a deep blue with a touch of violet. Here’s a basic method:

  1. Start with a Base of Blue Paint: Choose a deep blue paint as your base. A good choice might be a cobalt or ultramarine blue.
  2. Add a Touch of Red: Mix in a small amount of red paint. The red should be a true red, not leaning towards orange or pink. The goal is to add just enough red to give the blue a slightly purplish tint.
  3. Fine-Tune with Black (Optional): If your mixture isn’t dark enough, you can add a tiny bit of black paint. Do this sparingly, as too much black can overpower the other colors.
  4. Test and Adjust: Apply a bit of your mix onto a white paper to see the true color. Adjust the proportions until you achieve the desired shade of Indigo.

Using Digital Tools

In digital mediums like graphic design software or online color tools, you can create Indigo using RGB (Red, Green, Blue) or Hex codes:

  1. Hex Code: The most straightforward way is to use the hex code for Indigo, which is #4B0082.
  2. RGB Values: If you’re using a tool that allows for RGB input, you can create Indigo by setting the values to: R: 75, G: 0, B: 130.
  3. Color Sliders: Many digital tools have color sliders where you can visually adjust the proportions of red, green, and blue. Slide towards a deep blue and adjust until you reach a hue that has the right balance of blue and violet for Indigo.

In both methods, the key is to adjust the proportions until you achieve the deep, slightly purplish blue that characterizes Indigo. Remember, the appearance of the color can vary depending on the materials (in case of paint) or the screen settings (in case of digital tools).

Indigo Vs Violet

Indigo and Violet are both intriguing colors that reside in the cooler end of the color spectrum, each with its distinct characteristics. They are often mentioned in the context of rainbows and color theory, where they occupy adjacent positions. Despite their similarities, there are key differences in their appearance and the feelings they evoke.


Indigo (Hex Code: #4B0082): Indigo is a deep, dark color that blends blue and violet. It leans more towards blue, with a hint of purple, resulting in a color that is richer and more intense. Indigo is often associated with intuition, depth, and introspection. It’s a color with a certain level of sophistication and is perceived as being more mysterious and contemplative.


Violet (Hex Code: #8A2BE2): Violet, on the other hand, is a lighter and brighter color compared to Indigo. It is a true purple, meaning it’s a more balanced mix of red and blue. Violet tends to be more vibrant and less subdued than Indigo. It’s often associated with creativity, imagination, and inspiration. This color is perceived as more playful and less serious than Indigo.

The primary difference between Indigo and Violet lies in their composition and the emotions they convey. Indigo’s blue dominance gives it a deeper, more introspective feel, while Violet’s balanced blend of red and blue creates a more vibrant and imaginative aura. Both colors, while similar in their basic components, offer distinct visual and emotional experiences.

Indigo Vs Blue

Indigo and Blue are both primary colors in the visible spectrum and are often used in various contexts, from art and design to fashion and symbolism. Here’s a comparison of the two:

  • Hue: Indigo is a deep and dark color that sits between blue and violet on the color spectrum. It has a greater proportion of red in it compared to pure blue.
  • Characteristics: Indigo is richer and more intense than standard blue. It’s often associated with depth, intuition, and sophistication. It has a certain mystical or spiritual quality.
  • Uses: Indigo is frequently used in textiles (like denim), art, and design where a deep, contemplative color is desired. It’s also significant in various cultural and spiritual contexts.
  • Hue: Blue is a primary color that ranges widely from light, airy tones (like sky blue) to deep, dark shades (like navy blue). It doesn’t have the red tint that Indigo possesses.
  • Characteristics: Blue is often associated with calmness, stability, and tranquility. It’s a versatile color that can evoke feelings of serenity or, in its darker forms, seriousness and professionalism.
  • Uses: Blue is ubiquitous in design, fashion, and branding. It’s used to create a sense of trust and reliability and is popular in corporate settings. It’s also a common color in nature, seen in the sky and the sea.

The key difference between Indigo and Blue lies in their tone and emotional impact. Indigo, being darker and closer to violet, has a more profound and introspective feel, while Blue is more versatile, ranging from the lightheartedness of light blue to the gravity of dark blue. The choice between Indigo and Blue often depends on the mood and atmosphere one wishes to convey.

Indigo Vs Purple

Indigo and Purple are both captivating colors that share some similarities but also have distinct differences. Here’s a comparison of the two:

  • Hex Code: #4B0082
  • Hue: Indigo is a deep color that sits between blue and violet on the color spectrum. It is a darker shade, closer to blue, with a subtle hint of purple.
  • Characteristics: Indigo is often associated with depth, intuition, and introspection. It has a rich, enigmatic quality, and is sometimes linked to spirituality and wisdom.
  • Uses: Commonly used in textiles (like denim), art, and design, Indigo provides a deep, sophisticated tone. It’s also significant in various cultural and spiritual contexts.
  • Hex Code: #800080
  • Hue: Purple is a true mix of red and blue, creating a balanced, vibrant hue that is lighter than Indigo.
  • Characteristics: Purple is typically associated with royalty, luxury, and creativity. It can range from light lavender shades to deep plums.
  • Uses: Purple is widely used in fashion, design, and branding. It’s often chosen to convey luxury, creativity, and uniqueness.

The primary difference between Indigo and Purple is their composition and the emotional impact they carry. Indigo leans more towards blue, giving it a deeper and more contemplative feel, while Purple, with its equal blend of red and blue, tends towards a more vibrant and luxurious aura. Both colors are versatile and rich in cultural and artistic significance.

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About the Author
Photo of NicoleMy name is Nicole and I'm an avid lover of colors, always excited to mix and match different hues to see what they create. For me, colors are more than just visual elements; they're a way to understand and express emotions. I enjoy diving into the meanings behind each color and using this knowledge to create printables that are not only visually appealing but also evoke specific emotions and convey messages through thoughtful color choices.

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