Gratitude Quotes

Gratitude quotes

A collection of gratitude quotes to evoke a sense of thankfulness and appreciation. Click to copy each quote!

Gratitude Journal Prompts

Gratitude Journal Prompts

If you want to reapt the benefits of gratitude journaling but have run out of things to write about then these 240 gratitude journal prompts will help you. With our free journal page maker, you can insert any prompt in the journal page you select.

Gratitude Jar

Gratitude Jars

A gratitude jar is a simple way to practice gratitude and bring more positivity into your life. Use our free template and labels to create gratitude jars for yourself or as gifts and enjoy the many benefits they will provide to you, your family, and friends. Read on to see how to create them and how they will help you.

Benefits of Gratitude

Benefits of gratitude

Being thankful benefits you in so many ways. Read on to see 16 benefits of gratitude and how long you need to practice gratitude before you see results.

Gratitude Affirmations

Gratitude affirmations

How you can use gratitude affirmations to build positive habits, empower yourself and improve your self-esteem. With free printables to help you do this.

30 Day Gratitude Challenge

30 Day Gratitude Challenge

Take this free 30 day gratitude challenge and you will experience greater happiness, improve your wellbeing, build stronger relationships, recharge your energy and boost your self-worth.

Gratitude Journal 

Gratitude Journal

Free digital / printable gratitude journal that will improve your self-image, your life, your relationships, and your mindset. There are different journals available such as: one year, one week, 50 pages, or gratitude lists.

Gratitude List

gratitude list

Use these free gratitude list printables or online app to reap the benefits of gratitude. You will experience greater happiness, improve your wellbeing, build stronger relationships, recharge your energy and boost your self-worth.