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Periwinkle Color


What Color is Periwinkle?

Periwinkle is a color that blends elements of blue and purple to create a soft, pastel hue. It’s often described as a light lavender-blue, resembling the color of the periwinkle flower. This color is known for its soothing and gentle appearance, making it a popular choice in design and fashion for creating a serene and calming atmosphere. Periwinkle’s unique blend of blue and purple gives it a whimsical and dreamy quality, making it distinct from more straightforward blues or purples.

Periwinkle Hex Code

The hex code for Periwinkle is #CCCCFF.

In RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color space, this translates to a red component of 204, a green component of 204, and a blue component of 255. This creates the soft, pale blue with hints of lavender that characterizes the Periwinkle color.


Shades of Periwinkle

Periwinkle  Color Code

Classic Periwinkle: Hex Code: #CCCCFF

This is the classic shade of Periwinkle, a light and airy hue that combines the tranquility of blue with the gentle warmth of lavender.


Light Periwinkle: Hex Code: #C1C6FC

A lighter, more pastel version of Periwinkle, providing a soft and approachable tone that’s easy on the eyes.


Deep Periwinkle: Hex Code: #7C83BC

A deeper and more intense shade of Periwinkle, embodying a more pronounced blend of blue and purple, perfect for a bolder, yet still soothing appearance.


Dusty Periwinkle: Hex Code: #8E9FBC

This shade adds a touch of grey to Periwinkle, resulting in a muted, dusty hue that offers a sophisticated and understated elegance.


Each shade of Periwinkle presents a unique blend of blue and purple, offering a range of options from soft and subtle to deeper and more distinct.

Periwinkle Color Combinations

Colors That Go With Periwinkle and Colors That Complement Periwinkle

Soft Gray: Hex Code: #D3D3D3


Gray provides a neutral backdrop that allows Periwinkle to shine. It’s perfect for a modern, sophisticated look that balances the depth of Periwinkle.

Crisp White: Hex Code: #FFFFFF


White offers a stark, clean contrast to Periwinkle, creating a fresh and timeless pairing. This combination is ideal for a crisp and balanced look, highlighting the richness of Periwinkle.

Mint Green: Hex Code: #98FF98


Mint Green adds a refreshing and lively touch to Periwinkle, creating a harmonious and soothing combination. This pairing is great for achieving a playful yet elegant aesthetic.

Rose Pink: Hex Code: #FFC0CB


Rose Pink provides a soft, romantic contrast to Periwinkle, enhancing its delicate and dreamy qualities. This color combination is ideal for a charming and feminine look.

Periwinkle Color Meaning

The color Periwinkle, a soft blend of blue and violet, carries various symbolic meanings and connotations:

  1. Serenity and Calmness: Periwinkle’s soothing tones are often associated with peace and tranquility. Its gentle hue can have a calming effect, making it a popular choice in spaces designed for relaxation.
  2. Creativity and Imagination: The mix of blue and violet in Periwinkle can stimulate creativity and imagination. It’s a color that encourages open-mindedness and inventive thinking.
  3. Charm and Playfulness: Periwinkle has a whimsical and playful quality to it. This makes it a delightful choice in design and fashion, where it adds a touch of lighthearted charm.
  4. Romance and Sensitivity: The soft, pastel nature of Periwinkle is often linked to romance and sensitivity. It conveys a sense of tender affection and gentle emotion.
  5. Spirituality and Reflection: With its hint of violet, Periwinkle can also symbolize spirituality and introspection. It’s thought to encourage a sense of inner peace and reflection.
  6. Youthfulness and Freshness: Periwinkle is fresh and youthful, evoking feelings of new beginnings and springtime.

Overall, Periwinkle is a versatile color that embodies a range of positive attributes, from calmness and creativity to playfulness and charm. It’s a color that resonates with many due to its gentle yet vibrant nature.

Is Periwinkle Your Favorite Color? Here’s What It Says About You

If Periwinkle is your favorite color, it may reveal certain traits and characteristics about your personality. Here’s what a preference for Periwinkle might indicate:

  1. Calm and Serene: You likely have a peaceful and calming presence, finding comfort in tranquility and preferring environments that reflect a sense of peace.
  2. Creative and Imaginative: Your affinity for Periwinkle suggests a creative and imaginative spirit. You might enjoy artistic endeavors and have a knack for thinking outside the box.
  3. Gentle and Thoughtful: The softness of Periwinkle indicates a gentle, caring, and thoughtful nature. You tend to approach others with kindness and empathy.
  4. Open-Minded: Like the blend of blue and violet in Periwinkle, you might be open to new ideas and perspectives, embracing a wide range of experiences and people.
  5. Dreamy and Romantic: Your preference for this color might reflect a dreamy and romantic side, often finding beauty in the little things and appreciating the whimsical aspects of life.
  6. Youthful and Playful: Periwinkle is often associated with youthfulness and playfulness. You might have a youthful spirit, enjoying lighthearted moments and not taking life too seriously.

Remember, while color preferences can be reflective of personality traits, they are just one aspect of a person’s character and should be seen as a fun and interesting insight rather than a definitive analysis.

How to Make Periwinkle Color

Creating the Periwinkle color, a soft blend of blue and violet, can be achieved through different methods, whether you’re using traditional paints or digital tools. Here’s how:

Using Paints

  1. Start with Blue: Begin with a base of blue paint. A light to medium blue, like sky blue, is a good starting point.
  2. Add Purple or Violet: Mix in a small amount of purple or violet paint. Since Periwinkle is a pale blue with a hint of purple, it’s important to add the purple gradually.
  3. Adjust with White: To achieve the pastel quality of Periwinkle, add white paint to lighten the mixture. The amount of white will determine how pale or vibrant the Periwinkle becomes.
  4. Fine-tune: If the color is too blue, add more purple; if it’s too purple, add more blue. Adjust with white until you get the desired shade of Periwinkle.

Using Digital Tools

  1. Hex Code: The simplest way to get Periwinkle in digital tools is by using its hex code: #CCCCFF.
  2. RGB Values: If your tool allows for RGB input, you can create Periwinkle by setting the RGB values. For Periwinkle, these would be around R: 204, G: 204, B: 255.
  3. Color Sliders: Use color sliders to visually adjust the proportions of blue and red, with a dominance of blue, and then adjust the brightness to achieve the pastel effect.

In both methods, the goal is to balance blue and purple to create that distinct soft, pastel hue that characterizes Periwinkle. The exact shades might vary depending on the materials (in the case of paint) or screen settings (in the case of digital tools).

Periwinkle Vs Lavender

Periwinkle and Lavender are two distinct yet subtly similar colors, both popular for their soft, pastel hues that blend elements of blue and purple. Here’s a comparison of the two:

  • Hex Code: #CCCCFF
  • Hue: Periwinkle is a color that mixes blue and violet, leaning slightly more towards blue. It’s often described as a light lavender-blue, resembling the periwinkle flower.
  • Characteristics: Periwinkle is perceived as a serene and calm color, often associated with tranquility and peacefulness. It has a whimsical and dreamy quality.
  • Hex Code: #E6E6FA
  • Hue: Lavender is primarily a pale tint of violet, and it generally leans more towards purple than Periwinkle does. It’s named after the lavender flower.
  • Characteristics: Lavender is known for its soothing and calming properties, often linked to relaxation and tranquility. It has a more distinctly feminine and delicate quality compared to Periwinkle.

Both colors share similarities in being pastel hues that combine elements of blue and purple. However, the primary difference lies in their dominant undertones; Periwinkle is more blue-toned, whereas Lavender is more purple-toned. Both colors evoke feelings of calmness and serenity but are used differently in design and aesthetics due to their subtle hue variations. Periwinkle is often seen as more neutral and versatile, while Lavender is more closely associated with floral and delicate themes.

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About the Author
Photo of NicoleMy name is Nicole and I'm an avid lover of colors, always excited to mix and match different hues to see what they create. For me, colors are more than just visual elements; they're a way to understand and express emotions. I enjoy diving into the meanings behind each color and using this knowledge to create printables that are not only visually appealing but also evoke specific emotions and convey messages through thoughtful color choices.

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