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Royal Blue Color

royal blue

What Color is Royal Blue?

The color royal blue is a deep and vibrant shade of blue. It is more saturated and intense than standard blue, often considered a bit darker and more vivid. This color has a regal and elegant feel to it, which is likely why it’s called “royal” blue. It’s a color that can vary slightly in shade, but it typically combines a rich blue with a subtle hint of purple or red to create a luxurious and distinguished hue.

Royal Blue Hex Code


The hex code for royal blue is #4169E1. This code is used in digital design and web development to specify this specific shade of blue. It’s a vivid, bright blue that captures the essence of the color often referred to as royal blue.

Shades of Royal Blue

Royal Blue Color Code

Royal blue has several shades, each with its own unique character and hex code. Here are some of the notable shades of royal blue along with their corresponding hex codes:

Classic Royal Blue: Hex Code: #4169E1

This is the traditional royal blue, a vivid and bright shade that is often associated with the term ‘royal blue’.


Dark Royal Blue: Hex Code: #002366

A darker and more intense version of royal blue, leaning towards navy while still maintaining the royal blue essence.


Light Royal Blue: Hex Code: #5472AE

This is a lighter and more subdued shade of royal blue, which retains the essence of royal blue but with a softer tone.


Bright Royal Blue: Hex Code: #3C50E0

A more vibrant and luminous variation of royal blue, brighter and more eye-catching than the classic shade.


Royal Azure: Hex Code: #0038A8

This shade combines the richness of royal blue with the clarity of azure, resulting in a deep, yet bright, blue.


Royal Sapphire: Hex Code: #0F52BA

Resembling the gemstone sapphire, this shade has a jewel-tone quality, rich and deep with a hint of brightness.


Each of these shades represents a variation of royal blue, offering a range of options from lighter to darker and from more intense to more subdued. The specific appearance might vary slightly depending on the display or medium.

Colors That Go with Royal Blue

What Colors Go With Royal Blue?

Royal blue is a versatile color that pairs well with a variety of other colors. Here are some colors that go well with royal blue, along with a description and their respective hex codes:

Silver: Hex Code: #C0C0C0

Silver provides a sleek, modern contrast to royal blue. It adds a touch of sophistication and elegance, making it ideal for formal or luxurious designs.


Crisp White: Hex Code: #FFFFFF

White creates a classic and clean contrast with royal blue. It’s perfect for a fresh, crisp look and helps to bring out the richness of the royal blue.


Soft Gray: Hex Code: #A8A8A8

Gray offers a subtle and contemporary pairing with royal blue. It’s less stark than black and brings a balanced, modern feel to the combination.


Rich Gold: Hex Code: #FFD700

Gold adds a luxurious and regal touch when paired with royal blue. It’s a classic combination that evokes a sense of opulence and grandeur.


Warm Coral: Hex Code: #FF7F50

Coral provides a bright, summery contrast to royal blue. The warm tones of coral complement the coolness of royal blue, creating a vibrant and lively palette.


Emerald Green: Hex Code: #50C878

Emerald green creates a striking and harmonious balance with royal blue. This combination is reminiscent of rich jewel tones and is visually appealing and elegant.


Deep Purple: Hex Code: #800080

Purple, especially deeper shades, can complement royal blue by staying within the cool color spectrum. It offers a rich, luxurious, and somewhat mysterious aesthetic.


Blush Pink: Hex Code: #FFC0CB

Blush pink adds a soft, romantic touch to royal blue. The contrast between the bold royal blue and the gentle blush pink creates a charming and delicate combination.


Each of these colors can be combined with royal blue in various contexts, such as fashion, interior design, or graphic design, to create different moods and styles.

What Colors Make Royal Blue

How to Make Royal Blue

To create royal blue, you typically mix primary blue with a small amount of purple or violet. The exact proportions can vary depending on the desired shade of royal blue, but the general process is as follows:

  1. Start with a Base of Primary Blue: Use a pure, primary blue as the base. This will be the dominant color in the mixture.
  2. Add Purple or Violet: To achieve the distinctive richness of royal blue, add a small amount of purple or violet to the blue. The purple or violet should be used sparingly, as it’s quite strong and can easily overpower the blue.
  3. Adjust to Desired Shade: Experiment with the ratio of blue to purple/violet to get the specific shade of royal blue you desire. More purple or violet will make the color deeper and more regal, while less will keep it closer to a primary blue.
  4. Optional – Add a Touch of White (for Paint): If you’re mixing paints and want a slightly lighter or more pastel shade of royal blue, you can add a tiny bit of white. Be cautious with the amount of white, as it can significantly lighten the color.

The exact proportions can vary based on the medium you’re using (such as paint, digital color, etc.) and the specific shades of blue and purple/violet available to you. It’s always a good idea to mix small amounts first and adjust as needed.

Royal Blue Color Meaning

What Does The Color Royal Blue Mean?

Royal blue is a color rich in symbolism and meaning, often associated with various attributes and emotions. Here’s what royal blue typically represents:

  1. Royalty and Nobility: As the name suggests, royal blue is traditionally linked with royalty and aristocracy. It conveys a sense of superiority, luxury, and the high status associated with royal families.
  2. Authority and Confidence: Royal blue is often seen as a color of authority and confidence. It’s a preferred color in uniforms for police and other authoritative figures, symbolizing trust, reliability, and responsibility.
  3. Wisdom and Intelligence: This color is also associated with wisdom, intelligence, and learning. It’s thought to stimulate the mind and aid concentration, making it a popular color in educational institutions.
  4. Peace and Tranquility: Royal blue has a calming effect and is therefore linked to peace and tranquility. It’s used in various settings to create a serene and peaceful atmosphere.
  5. Trust and Loyalty: It’s a color that inspires trust and loyalty. This is why it’s frequently used in corporate logos and designs to convey reliability and professionalism.
  6. Depth and Stability: Royal blue represents depth, stability, and confidence. Its deep hue suggests a solid, dependable quality.
  7. Unity and Harmony: In some cultures, royal blue is seen as a unifying color, often used in flags and emblems to promote national and international unity and harmony.
  8. Spirituality and Inner Richness: Some shades of royal blue are associated with spirituality and inner richness. It can be symbolic of a deeper, spiritual quest or journey.

Overall, royal blue is a versatile color with positive connotations. It’s suitable for a variety of purposes, from fashion and design to branding and communication, because of the trust, reliability, and sophistication it exudes.

Is Royal Blue Your Favorite Color? Here’s What It Says About You

If royal blue is your favorite color, it may reveal several interesting aspects of your personality and preferences. The psychology of color suggests that personal color choices can reflect how individuals see themselves and how they interact with the world. Here’s what an affinity for royal blue might indicate:

  1. Confident and Authoritative: Liking royal blue could suggest that you possess a natural confidence and an authoritative presence. You may be seen as a leader, someone who commands respect and is comfortable taking charge.
  2. Trustworthy and Reliable: People who favor royal blue are often perceived as trustworthy and reliable. You might be someone others turn to for advice or support, knowing you’ll handle things with a sense of responsibility.
  3. Thoughtful and Reflective: Royal blue is associated with depth and stability, much like the ocean. This might mean you have a thoughtful and reflective personality, often pondering life’s deeper questions and mysteries.
  4. Calm and Serene: Just as the color royal blue can evoke feelings of tranquility, you might have a calming influence on others. Your presence might be soothing, and you likely handle stress well, maintaining a level head in challenging situations.
  5. Intelligent and Wise: An affinity for royal blue might also indicate intelligence and wisdom. You may have a keen interest in learning, education, and acquiring knowledge, always seeking to understand more about the world around you.
  6. Loyal and Faithful: Royal blue is a color that symbolizes loyalty. Thus, you might be incredibly loyal and faithful in your relationships, whether they are personal or professional.
  7. Aspirational and Idealistic: Loving royal blue could mean you aspire to high ideals and have a strong sense of what is right and just. You might strive for excellence and encourage others to do the same.
  8. Traditional yet Open-minded: While royal blue is associated with tradition and conservatism, those who like it might also have an open-minded approach to life, blending respect for tradition with progressive thinking.
  9. Sophisticated and Elegant: Lastly, an affinity for royal blue could suggest a taste for sophistication and elegance. You might have a refined sense of style and aesthetics, appreciating quality and craftsmanship in various aspects of life.

It’s important to remember that color psychology is not an exact science and individual preferences can be influenced by a wide range of factors, including cultural background, personal experiences, and individual personality traits. However, these general associations offer an intriguing insight into how color preferences can reflect aspects of our personality and worldview.

Royal Blue Vs Navy Blue

Royal blue and navy blue are distinct shades of blue, each with its own unique characteristics. Royal blue is a vibrant and vivid shade with purplish or reddish undertones, often associated with luxury and elegance. In contrast, navy blue is a darker, more subdued shade, closer to black, and is commonly linked with professionalism and conservatism. While royal blue stands out and is used for its eye-catching properties, navy blue serves as a more neutral or background color, signifying stability and reliability.

Royal Blue
  1. Color Tone: Royal blue is a bright, lively shade of blue with a slightly purplish or reddish tint, giving it a rich and luxurious appearance.
  2. Usage and Associations: This color is often used in contexts where visibility and prominence are desired, such as in fashion, design, and sports team branding. It symbolizes superiority, importance, and high status.
  3. Psychological Impact: Royal blue is stimulating and energetic, known for inspiring creativity and enthusiasm.
  4. Cultural Significance: Across various cultures, royal blue is seen as a symbol of regality and prestige, commonly found in royal garments and emblems.
  5. Visual Impact: It is a focal color, used to attract attention and make a statement, especially effective against lighter colors.
Navy Blue
  1. Color Tone: Navy blue is a dark shade of blue, almost akin to black, characterized by its more conservative and traditional look.
  2. Usage and Associations: Navy blue is prevalent in professional and corporate environments. It is a favored color for business attire, uniforms, and formal wear, representing trustworthiness and authority.
  3. Psychological Impact: The darker hue of navy blue has a calming and stabilizing effect. It is perceived as serious, conveying strength and reliability.
  4. Cultural Significance: Navy blue is associated with nautical themes and military attire, particularly naval uniforms, reflecting its historical origins.
  5. Visual Impact: Often used as a neutral or background color, navy blue pairs well with various colors and acts as a strong foundation in design and fashion contexts.

Royal Blue Vs Cobalt Blue

Royal blue and cobalt blue, while both are vibrant shades of blue, differ significantly in their hues and connotations. Royal blue is a deep, vivid blue with a touch of purple or red, often associated with elegance and luxury. It’s a regal color that stands out and commands attention. Cobalt blue, on the other hand, is a brighter, slightly lighter shade with a slightly greenish undertone. It’s known for its intensity and is often associated with energy and vibrancy. While royal blue conveys depth and richness, cobalt blue is more about brightness and liveliness.

Royal Blue
  1. Color Tone: Royal blue is a rich and vivid blue, with purplish or reddish undertones, giving it a luxurious and deep appearance.
  2. Usage and Associations: This color is typically used in contexts that require a sense of elegance and prominence, like in high-end design, ceremonial garments, and sports team colors. It symbolizes importance, wisdom, and nobility.
  3. Psychological Impact: Royal blue is seen as inspiring and intellectual, stimulating the mind while providing a sense of calmness and serenity.
  4. Cultural Significance: In various cultures, royal blue is associated with royalty and aristocracy, often used in royal insignia and ceremonial attire.
  5. Visual Impact: Royal blue is a standout color, used to draw attention and convey a sense of importance and sophistication.
Cobalt Blue
  1. Color Tone: Cobalt blue is a bright and pure blue, with a slight greenish tint, making it vibrant and eye-catching.
  2. Usage and Associations: Cobalt blue is favored in artistic and creative contexts for its vividness. It’s used in painting, fashion, and decor to create a lively and dynamic effect. This color represents energy, strength, and clarity.
  3. Psychological Impact: The brightness of cobalt blue is invigorating and energizing. It’s known to stimulate feelings of excitement and creativity.
  4. Cultural Significance: Cobalt blue has a rich history in art and design, famously used in Chinese porcelain and glassware. It’s a color that’s often associated with artistic expression and cultural richness.
  5. Visual Impact: Cobalt blue is used to make a bold statement. Its brightness and intensity make it a popular choice for accents and focal points in design.
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About the Author
Photo of NicoleMy name is Nicole and I'm an avid lover of colors, always excited to mix and match different hues to see what they create. For me, colors are more than just visual elements; they're a way to understand and express emotions. I enjoy diving into the meanings behind each color and using this knowledge to create printables that are not only visually appealing but also evoke specific emotions and convey messages through thoughtful color choices.

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