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Purple Color


What Color is Purple?

Purple is a color that exists between red and blue on the visible spectrum. It’s often described as a rich, deep hue combining the energy and warmth of red with the calm and coolness of blue. Purple can vary in shade from a lighter, more lavender tone to a deeper, more eggplant or plum-like hue.

What Colors Make Purple?

Purple is a secondary color, which means it is created by mixing two primary colors. In traditional color theory (used in paint and pigments), purple is made by combining red and blue in various proportions. The exact shade of purple you get depends on the ratio of red to blue.

Purple Hex Code

The hex code for a basic purple color in the RGB color model, commonly used in digital design and web colors, is #800080. This hex code represents a purple that is midway between red and blue, with equal parts of red and blue and no green.


In the hex code #800080:

  • The first two digits (80) represent the red component.
  • The next two digits (00) represent the green component, which is zero in this case.
  • The last two digits (80) represent the blue component.

This particular shade of purple is sometimes also referred to as “web purple” since it’s a commonly used standard in web design.

Shades of Purple

Purple Color Code

Deep Purple: A very dark and intense purple. Hex: #301934


Light Purple: A pale, soft purple. Hex: #B19CD9


Royal Purple: A rich, deep purple traditionally associated with royalty. Hex: #7851A9


Dark Purple: A darker shade of purple, more subdued than deep purple. Hex: #301934


Pastel Purple: A soft, light purple with a more washed-out, gentle appearance. Hex: #9A8F97


Midnight Purple: A very dark, almost black, shade of purple. Hex: #2C1E47


Lilac Purple: A soft, light purple with a hint of pink, reminiscent of the lilac flower. Hex: #C8A2C8


Neon Purple: A bright, fluorescent purple. Hex: #BC13FE


Tyrian Purple: An ancient and rich purple dye, deep and slightly reddish. Hex: #66023C


Lavender Purple: A gentle, soft purple with a bluish tinge, like lavender flowers. Hex: #E6E6FA


Violet Purple: A vibrant purple that leans slightly towards blue. Hex: #8F00FF


Plum Purple: A deep, rich purple with a hint of red, like the fruit. Hex: #8E4585


Purple Red (Reddish Purple): A purple with a strong red component. Hex: #993366


Hush Deep Purple: A subdued, dark purple with a hint of grey. Hex: #4B384C


Bright Purple: A vivid, striking shade of purple. Hex: #9D00FF


Purple Pink: A purple with a strong pink influence. Hex: #D891EF


Grey Purple: A muted purple mixed with grey tones. Hex: #837E9F


Wisteria Purple: A pale, bluish-purple reminiscent of wisteria flowers. Hex: #C9A0DC


Mauve Purple: A pale, bluish-purple with a hint of grey. Hex: #E0B0FF


Bluish Purple: A purple that leans towards blue. Hex: #5C00E6


Amethyst Purple: A rich, vibrant purple similar to the gemstone. Hex: #9966CC


Purple Grey: A grey with a hint of purple. Hex: #847986


There are many different shades of purple but these are the most common. Please note that the appearance of these colors can vary depending on the display and lighting conditions. The hex codes provided are close approximations of these colors.

What Color Goes With Purple?

Purple is a versatile color that can be paired with a variety of colors depending on the shade of purple and the desired effect. Here are some colors that go well with purple, along with their hex codes:

Colors That Go With Purple

White: Provides a clean, crisp contrast. Hex: #FFFFFF


Black: Offers a bold and dramatic contrast. Hex: #000000


Grey: Creates a sophisticated and modern look. Hex: #808080


Silver: Adds a luxurious and elegant touch. Hex: #C0C0C0


Gold: Brings warmth and richness. Hex: #FFD700


Green: Complementary to purple, especially in lighter or more muted shades. Hex: #008000


Yellow: A high-contrast, lively pairing. Hex: #FFFF00


Pink: Softens the purple for a more feminine look. Hex: #FFC0CB


Blue: Harmonizes well, especially with bluish purples. Hex: #0000FF


Teal: Creates a vibrant and energetic palette. Hex: #008080


What Color Compliments Purple?

Complementary Color to Purple

The complementary color to purple is yellow. In color theory, complementary colors are those which are opposite each other on the color wheel. For purple, this is a shade of yellow:

Complementary Yellow: A bright and vivid yellow. Hex: #FFFF00


What is the Opposite of Purple?

Opposite of Purple

In terms of the RGB color model, the opposite of purple (which is a mix of red and blue) would be green, as it is the primary color not used in creating purple:

Opposite Green: A medium, true green. Hex: #008000


Remember, the best color combinations depend on the specific shades of purple and the overall context (like fashion, design, art). The hex codes provided are for general reference and can be adjusted to suit specific shades of purple.

Purple Meaning

What Does The Color Purple Mean?

The color purple has a variety of meanings and associations, many of which have evolved over time and can vary across different cultures. Here are some of the most common interpretations of the color purple:

  1. Royalty and Nobility: Historically, purple dyes were rare and expensive, making them accessible only to the wealthy or royal. This association with luxury and exclusivity has persisted over time.
  2. Spirituality and Mystery: Purple is often associated with the mystical and the spiritual. It’s seen in various religious and spiritual contexts, symbolizing a range of spiritual or mystical states.
  3. Creativity and Imagination: Due to its vibrant nature, purple is often linked to creativity, imagination, and originality. It’s thought to inspire artistic expression and unconventional thinking.
  4. Wealth and Luxury: Alongside its association with royalty, purple is often seen as a symbol of wealth, opulence, and luxury.
  5. Wisdom and Dignity: Purple can represent wisdom, dignity, and independence. It’s sometimes used in academic contexts, such as graduation regalia.
  6. Peace and Calm: Lighter shades of purple, like lavender, are often associated with calmness, serenity, and tranquility.
  7. Femininity and Romance: Certain shades of purple, especially those closer to pink, are sometimes associated with femininity and romanticism.
  8. Ambition and Power: Purple can also symbolize ambition, power, and leadership qualities.
  9. Mourning and Sadness: In some cultures, purple is a color of mourning and is worn or used during periods of grief.
  10. LGBTQ+ Pride: Purple is one of the colors in the LGBTQ+ pride flag, where it represents spirit.

It’s important to note that the meaning of colors, including purple, can be subjective and can vary greatly depending on personal experiences, cultural background, and context.

Purple Symbolism

What does purple symbolize?

Purple is a color rich in symbolism, with its meanings varying across different contexts. Here’s a breakdown of what purple symbolizes in various aspects:

General Symbolism of Purple

  1. Royalty and Nobility: Historically, purple was a color worn by royalty and the wealthy due to its rare and expensive dyes.
  2. Wealth and Luxury: Its association with royalty also lends it to symbolize wealth and luxury.
  3. Spirituality and Mystery: Purple is often seen in religious and spiritual contexts, symbolizing the sacred and the mystical.
  4. Creativity and Imagination: It’s linked to creativity, originality, and artistic expression.
  5. Wisdom and Dignity: Purple can represent wisdom, dignity, and independence.
  6. Ambition and Power: It’s sometimes associated with ambition, leadership, and power.

Specific Symbolisms

  1. Purple Heart: What does a purple heart mean? In a military context, the Purple Heart is a United States military decoration awarded to those wounded or killed while serving. It symbolizes courage and sacrifice.
  2. Spiritual Meaning: What Does the Color Purple Mean Spiritually? Spiritually, purple is often associated with higher consciousness, enlightenment, and a deep understanding of the universe. It’s seen as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds.
  3. Purple Aura Meaning: In metaphysical beliefs, a purple aura is thought to indicate spiritual awareness, a balanced character, and a peaceful, harmonious personality. It’s often associated with psychic abilities or a deep spiritual understanding.
  4. Purple Rose Meaning: Purple roses can symbolize enchantment, majesty, and love at first sight. They are often used to express fascination and adoration.
  5. Purple Ribbon Meaning: The purple ribbon is used to represent various causes, including Alzheimer’s disease, domestic violence, pancreatic cancer, and animal abuse awareness. It’s a universal symbol for awareness and support for these issues.

Purple’s symbolism is diverse, ranging from the material (wealth, nobility) to the spiritual (enlightenment, mystery), and it can carry different meanings in different contexts. Its rich variety of shades also contributes to this broad spectrum of symbolism.


What does purple and blue make?

Purple and Blue: This combination typically results in a deeper, more vivid shade of blue-purple, often resembling indigo or a deep violet.

  • Resulting Color: Deep Violet/Indigo
  • Hex Code: #4B0082

What does purple and red make?

Purple and Red (first instance): Mixing purple with red usually creates a variant of magenta or a richer, deeper purple.

  • Resulting Color: Rich Magenta/Deep Purple
  • Hex Code: #AA0078

What does purple and green make?

Purple and Green: Purple mixed with green can result in a muted, earthy color, often a type of brown or gray, since they are complementary colors.

  • Resulting Color: Muted Brown/Gray
  • Hex Code: #665D1E

What does purple and yellow make?

Purple and Yellow: Since yellow is the complementary color of purple, mixing them typically results in a neutral color like gray or brown.

  • Resulting Color: Neutral Gray/Brown
  • Hex Code: #7F7F7F

What does purple and red make?

Purple and Red (second instance): As mentioned earlier, this combination leads to a richer, deeper purple or a variant of magenta.

  • Resulting Color: Rich Magenta/Deep Purple
  • Hex Code: #AA0078

What does pink and purple make?

Pink and Purple: Mixing pink with purple usually results in a lighter, more pastel-like purple.

  • Resulting Color: Light Pastel Purple
  • Hex Code: #D896FF

What does purple and orange make?

Purple and Orange: This combination often results in a brownish color, as orange and purple are somewhat complementary.

  • Resulting Color: Brownish Hue
  • Hex Code: #996633

What does purple and black make?

Purple and Black: Adding black to purple will darken it, resulting in a very dark purple or aubergine color.

  • Resulting Color: Dark Purple/Aubergine
  • Hex Code: #32127A

These hex codes are approximations and can vary based on the specific shades and proportions of the colors mixed. The resulting colors can also vary depending on whether the medium is additive (like light) or subtractive (like paint).

How to Make Purple

Making Purple with Paints or Pigments:

  1. Start with Equal Parts Red and Blue: Begin by mixing equal parts of red and blue paint. This should give you a basic purple color.
  2. Adjust the Shade:
    • To make the purple lighter, add white paint.
    • To make it darker, add a bit more blue or a tiny amount of black.
    • To make the purple warmer, add more red.
    • To make it cooler, add more blue.
  3. Mix Thoroughly: Make sure to mix the colors thoroughly to get an even shade of purple.

Making Purple in Digital Media (RGB Color Model):

In digital media, where colors are often defined using the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color model, you can create purple by combining red and blue light. The process is a bit different from mixing pigments:

  1. Start with Red and Blue: Set your red and blue values to be equal and high, while keeping the green value at zero. For example, in a system where each color is represented by a number from 0 to 255, you might start with (255, 0, 255) for a bright purple.
  2. Adjust Brightness and Saturation:
    • To change the brightness, adjust all values up or down together.
    • To change the saturation, decrease the intensity of both red and blue equally, or add a bit of green.

Please note, the exact appearance of purple can vary depending on the medium (digital or physical) and the specific shades of red and blue used.

The Psychology of Purple: What Your Favorite Color Says About You

Purple, a color often associated with royalty, luxury, and spirituality, has a fascinating place in the psychology of color. If purple is your favorite color, it may reveal several interesting aspects of your personality and preferences:

  1. Creativity and Imagination:
    • Purple is often linked to creativity and imagination. If you’re drawn to purple, you might have a highly creative mind, enjoying activities that allow you to express your imaginative and artistic skills.
  2. Spiritual and Mystical:
    • Historically, purple has been associated with mysticism and spirituality. A preference for purple could indicate a deep interest in spiritual matters or a tendency to reflect on existential questions.
  3. Sensitivity and Compassion:
    • People who favor purple often possess a great deal of empathy and compassion. You might be highly attuned to the emotions and needs of others, showing a caring and nurturing side.
  4. Individuality and Non-conformity:
    • Purple is not a common favorite color and can signify a love for individuality and uniqueness. If you like purple, you might not be afraid to stand out from the crowd and express your distinct personality.
  5. Luxury and Royalty:
    • Historically, purple dye was rare and expensive, making it a symbol of luxury and royalty. A preference for purple might reflect an appreciation for luxury and an affinity for quality and refinement.
  6. Thoughtfulness and Contemplation:
    • Those who love purple often tend to be introspective and thoughtful. You might find yourself frequently in contemplation, pondering life’s mysteries and the deeper aspects of the world around you.
  7. Sensitivity to Aesthetics:
    • A love for purple can also indicate a keen eye for beauty and aesthetics. You might have a strong sense of style and enjoy surrounding yourself with beauty, whether in art, nature, or everyday life.
  8. Balance and Harmony:
    • Purple is a blend of red and blue, symbolizing a balance between the physical and the spiritual. Your preference for purple might suggest a desire to achieve balance and harmony in your life.

In summary, a fondness for purple can point to a range of personality traits, from creativity and spirituality to a love for individuality and luxury. As with all color psychology, these interpretations are not absolute but offer a window into how color preferences can reflect personal characteristics and values.

Purple Mood Ring

What does purple mean on a mood ring?

Mood rings are novelty items that change color based on the temperature of the wearer’s skin, which is often said to indicate their mood. The idea is that different emotional states will result in different skin temperatures. However, it’s important to note that mood rings are not scientifically accurate indicators of emotion.

When a mood ring shows purple, it is generally interpreted to mean the following:

Purple is often associated with feelings of happiness, passion, or excitement. It might also indicate a state of emotional balance, calmness, or a sense of well-being. In some interpretations, it could also signify romantic or amorous feelings.

The exact shade of purple can also vary in meaning, with lighter purples sometimes indicating a more relaxed and content state, and darker purples indicating deeper passion or excitement.

Remember, mood rings are more of a fun and aesthetic item rather than a tool for accurate emotional analysis. The color changes are primarily responses to temperature changes rather than direct indicators of specific moods.

Purple Vs Violet

The terms “purple” and “violet” are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct differences, especially in the context of color theory and the spectrum of visible light.

  • Purple is a more general term and can refer to a range of shades from reddish to bluish. It is a composite color made by combining red and blue.
  • Violet is a specific color in the spectrum of visible light, closer to blue, and has its own wavelength.

In everyday language, the distinction is often blurred, and many people use “purple” to describe anything from violet to lilac to magenta. However, in scientific and artistic contexts, the difference is more clearly defined.

  1. Definition: Purple is a color traditionally associated with the combination of blue and red. It does not have its own wavelength in the visible spectrum of light. Instead, it is a composite color made by mixing red and blue.
  2. Color Theory: In traditional color theory (used in painting and pigments), purple is a secondary color, created by mixing red and blue.
  3. Variations: Purple can have a wide range of shades, from very close to blue to very close to red, depending on the proportions of blue and red used in the mix.
  4. Perception: In terms of human perception, purple colors are those that are similar to both red and blue but do not have green.
  5. Purple Hex Code: A standard shade of purple often has the hex code #800080. This is a balanced mix of red and blue.
  1. Definition: Violet is a spectral color, meaning it has its own place in the spectrum of visible light. It is at the end of the visible spectrum, with a wavelength between approximately 380 and 450 nanometers.
  2. Color Theory: In the RGB color model, used in lighting, photography, and computer screens, violet is created by mixing blue and red light, but it is closer to blue than to red.
  3. Variations: Violet does not vary as much as purple and is generally a specific shade that is distinctly recognized as being similar to the color of the violet flower.
  4. Perception: Violet is perceived as a single color, part of the light spectrum, and is the color that is seen with the highest frequency of visible light.
  5. Violet Hex Code: A typical violet, which is closer to blue in the spectrum, can be represented with the hex code #8F00FF. This shade of violet leans more towards the blue end of the spectrum compared to purple.
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About the Author
Photo of NicoleMy name is Nicole and I'm an avid lover of colors, always excited to mix and match different hues to see what they create. For me, colors are more than just visual elements; they're a way to understand and express emotions. I enjoy diving into the meanings behind each color and using this knowledge to create printables that are not only visually appealing but also evoke specific emotions and convey messages through thoughtful color choices.

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