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Navy Blue Color

navy blue

What Color is Navy Blue?

Navy blue is a dark shade of blue that is almost akin to black. It’s a classic and versatile color, often associated with professionalism, reliability, and tradition. This deep, rich hue is reminiscent of the vast ocean and the night sky, exuding a sense of stability and depth. Navy blue is a popular color in fashion, interior design, and corporate branding due to its sophisticated and timeless quality. It can be both authoritative and calming, making it a preferred choice in a variety of contexts.

Navy Blue Hex Code


The hex code for navy blue is #000080. This code is used in digital design and web development to represent this specific, dark shade of blue.

Shades of Navy Blue

Navy Blue Color Code

Navy Blue has several shades, each with its own unique character and hex code. Here are some of the notable shades of Navy Blue along with their corresponding hex codes:

Classic Navy Blue: Hex Code: #000080

This is the traditional navy blue, a deep and dark shade often associated with professionalism and conservatism.


Dark Navy Blue: Hex Code: #02075D

A darker and more intense version of navy blue, almost akin to black, enhancing the depth and sophistication of the classic navy.


Midnight Navy: Hex Code: #191970

This shade represents the color of the sky at deep twilight, blending navy blue with a hint of royal blue, capturing the essence of the night sky.


Indigo Navy: Hex Code: #4B0082

A blend of navy blue with a touch of indigo, this shade adds a hint of vibrant purple to the traditional navy, giving it a unique and slightly brighter tone.


These shades represent various aspects and depths of navy blue, offering a range of options from the classic to more intense and vibrant variations.

Colors That Go with Navy Blue

What Colors Go With Navy Blue?

Navy Blue is a versatile color that pairs well with a variety of other colors. Here are some colors that go well with Navy Blue, along with a description and their respective hex codes:

Crisp White: Hex Code: #FFFFFF

White creates a classic and clean contrast with Navy Blue. It’s perfect for a fresh, crisp look and helps to bring out the richness of the Navy Blue.


Rich Gold: Hex Code: #FFD700

Gold adds a luxurious and regal touch when paired with Navy Blue. It’s a classic combination that evokes a sense of opulence and grandeur.


Soft Gray: Hex Code: #A8A8A8

Gray offers a subtle and contemporary pairing with Navy Blue. It’s less stark than black and brings a balanced, modern feel to the combination.


Bright Coral: Hex Code: #FF7F50

Coral provides a bright, summery contrast to Navy Blue. The warm tones of Coral complement the coolness of Navy Blue, creating a vibrant and lively palette.


Emerald Green: Hex Code: #50C878

Emerald Green creates a striking and harmonious balance with Navy Blue. This combination is reminiscent of rich jewel tones and is visually appealing and elegant.


What Colors Make Navy Blue

How to Make Navy Blue

To create navy blue, a color that is both deep and sophisticated, you typically start with a base of primary blue and then add black to darken it. The process can be fine-tuned depending on the specific shade of navy blue you’re aiming for. Here’s a general guideline:

  1. Start with Primary Blue: Begin with a pure, primary blue. This will be your base color.
  2. Add Black: Gradually mix in small amounts of black paint to the blue. Adding black will darken the blue to achieve the navy hue. Be cautious with the amount of black, as it is a very dominant color and can quickly overpower the blue.
  3. Adjust to Desired Shade: Continuously mix and evaluate until you reach your desired shade of navy blue. The goal is to achieve a deep, dark blue that is nearly, but not quite, black.
  4. Optional – Add a Touch of Purple or Red (for Depth): For a more complex and rich navy blue, some artists add a tiny bit of purple or red to the mix. This can give the navy blue a slightly warmer or more vibrant undertone.

Remember, the exact proportions can vary based on the medium (such as paint or digital color) and the specific shades of blue and black you’re using. It’s always advisable to mix small amounts first and adjust as needed. Navy blue can have slight variations in its undertone and brightness, so there’s room for experimentation to achieve the hue that best suits your project.

Navy Blue Color Meaning

What Does The Color Navy Blue Mean?

Navy blue is a color rich in symbolism and meaning. It’s often associated with a range of qualities and emotions, reflecting its depth and versatility. Here’s what navy blue typically represents:

  1. Professionalism and Authority: Navy blue is widely recognized as a color of professionalism. It’s commonly used in corporate logos, business suits, and uniforms, especially for law enforcement and military, to convey authority and reliability.
  2. Trust and Loyalty: This color is often associated with trustworthiness and loyalty. Its deep, reassuring tone evokes a sense of dependability and commitment, which is why it’s a favorite in the business world and in branding.
  3. Stability and Confidence: Navy blue symbolizes stability and confidence. Its depth suggests a solid, dependable foundation, often conveying a sense of calm and control.
  4. Intelligence and Thoughtfulness: Navy blue is thought to stimulate the mind, promoting deep thinking and reflection. It’s a color that suggests intelligence and introspection.
  5. Conservatism and Tradition: Often linked with conservatism, navy blue represents traditional values and a resistance to change. It’s a color that tends to appeal to a more mature and discerning audience.
  6. Elegance and Sophistication: Navy blue exudes elegance and sophistication. It’s a popular choice in fashion and interior design for its ability to create a classic, stylish, and timeless look.
  7. Calmness and Depth: Like other shades of blue, navy blue has a calming effect. It can create a sense of tranquility and serenity, reminiscent of the deep ocean.
  8. Mystery and Depth: Navy blue, being a darker shade, also carries an air of mystery and depth, inviting exploration and discovery.

In summary, navy blue is a color that conveys seriousness, sophistication, and depth. It’s a versatile color used in various contexts, from formal attire to calming environments, due to its ability to inspire confidence, trust, and a sense of order and tranquility.

Is Navy Blue Your Favorite Color? Here’s What It Says About You

If navy blue is your favorite color, it can suggest several interesting aspects about your personality and preferences. The psychology of color indicates that the colors we are drawn to can often reflect facets of our identity and approach to life. Here’s what a preference for navy blue might reveal about you:

  1. Professional and Reliable: A love for navy blue might indicate that you are seen as a professional and reliable individual. You likely value stability and are seen as someone who can be trusted, especially in challenging situations.
  2. Confident and Authoritative: Preferring navy blue can suggest a sense of confidence and authority. You may have a natural ability to lead and command respect, often taking charge in group settings.
  3. Calm and Composed: Navy blue is a calming color, and favoring it might mean you have a calm and composed demeanor. You’re likely someone who remains steady under pressure and can be a source of reassurance to others.
  4. Traditional and Conservative: Navy blue is often associated with traditional values and conservatism. If this is your favorite color, you might prefer stability and consistency over change and chaos. You likely have a strong sense of duty and responsibility.
  5. Deep Thinker and Reflective: The depth of navy blue might reflect your tendency towards deep thought and introspection. You could be someone who enjoys pondering life’s bigger questions and values wisdom and intelligence.
  6. Sophisticated and Elegant: A preference for navy blue might also indicate a leaning towards sophistication and elegance in your style and choices. You appreciate things that are classic and timeless.
  7. Trustworthy and Loyal: Navy blue symbolizes loyalty, suggesting that you are a trustworthy and faithful friend or partner. You value deep, meaningful relationships and are committed to your promises.
  8. Reserved and Introverted: While not always the case, some people who favor navy blue might be more reserved or introverted, preferring a small, close-knit group of friends over large social gatherings.

Remember, color psychology is not an exact science, and individual preferences are influenced by a variety of factors. However, these traits associated with navy blue offer a fascinating glimpse into how color preferences can reflect our personality and worldview.

Navy Blue Vs Royal Blue

Navy blue and royal blue, each a unique hue in the spectrum of blues, possess distinct characteristics. Navy blue, known for its deep and dark tones, closely resembles black and is often associated with professionalism and conservatism. In contrast, royal blue is a vibrant and luminous shade, enriched with purplish or reddish undertones, symbolizing luxury and elegance. While navy blue is appreciated for its subtlety and serves as a versatile base or neutral color, indicating stability and dependability, royal blue is celebrated for its striking presence and is often chosen for its ability to stand out and captivate attention.

Navy Blue
  1. Color Tone: Navy blue is a dark shade of blue, almost akin to black, characterized by its more conservative and traditional look.
  2. Usage and Associations: Navy blue is prevalent in professional and corporate environments. It is a favored color for business attire, uniforms, and formal wear, representing trustworthiness and authority.
  3. Psychological Impact: The darker hue of navy blue has a calming and stabilizing effect. It is perceived as serious, conveying strength and reliability.
  4. Cultural Significance: Navy blue is associated with nautical themes and military attire, particularly naval uniforms, reflecting its historical origins.
  5. Visual Impact: Often used as a neutral or background color, navy blue pairs well with various colors and acts as a strong foundation in design and fashion contexts.
Royal Blue
  1. Color Tone: Royal blue is a bright, lively shade of blue with a slightly purplish or reddish tint, giving it a rich and luxurious appearance.
  2. Usage and Associations: This color is often used in contexts where visibility and prominence are desired, such as in fashion, design, and sports team branding. It symbolizes superiority, importance, and high status.
  3. Psychological Impact: Royal blue is stimulating and energetic, known for inspiring creativity and enthusiasm.
  4. Cultural Significance: Across various cultures, royal blue is seen as a symbol of regality and prestige, commonly found in royal garments and emblems.
  5. Visual Impact: It is a focal color, used to attract attention and make a statement, especially effective against lighter colors.
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About the Author
Photo of NicoleMy name is Nicole and I'm an avid lover of colors, always excited to mix and match different hues to see what they create. For me, colors are more than just visual elements; they're a way to understand and express emotions. I enjoy diving into the meanings behind each color and using this knowledge to create printables that are not only visually appealing but also evoke specific emotions and convey messages through thoughtful color choices.

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