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Chores for 6 Year Olds

A list of age appropriate chores for 6 year olds with free printable chore chart templates

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Getting your six-year-old to help with household chores will not only help you but also help your child become an independent person. Chores teach kids valuable and important life skills and how to become responsible people. They will learn how to manage their time. It is much easier to get a six-year-old to start doing chores than a teenager so it is the perfect age to start if you haven’t already started.

Should your 6 year old do chores?

Yes, it is appropriate to expect a 6-year-old to do age-appropriate chores around the house. Simple tasks such as picking up toys, making their bed, putting away their clothes, and helping with dishes can help teach children responsibility and contribute to the family’s overall household upkeep.

Assigning age-appropriate chores to children not only helps them learn new skills and build independence, but it also promotes a sense of belonging and teamwork within the family. It is important to keep in mind that the chores should be manageable and not too overwhelming for their age and abilities. It is also essential to praise and encourage children when they complete their chores successfully.

Assigning chores to a 6-year-old is a positive way to teach responsibility, promote self-esteem, and develop good habits that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Chore List for 6 Year Old

What are appropriate chores for a 6 year old?

The following list includes chores for six-year-olds but it is important to recognize that each child develops at a different pace and it is only meant to help you understand which chores are typical for 6-year-olds. However, not all kids will be capable of doing all of these chores. If not, adapt the chore list accordingly. Some of these chores will require supervision.

  • load the dishwasher
  • unload the dishwasher
  • put their toys and games away
  • fill up a pet’s water or feed pets
  • put the clothes from the washer or dryer into the hamper
  • dust furniture and shelves
  • arrange books and magazines in a pile
  • make their bed (pull up the blanket and arrange the pillow)
  • give food and water to pets
  • mop, sweep, and vacuum
  • put dirty clothes in the hamper
  • sort laundry
  • fold laundry and put clothes away
  • help prepare dinner
  • set the table for meals
  • prepare their own snacks (if the snacks are ready in the fridge or pantry and don’t require cooking or too much preparation)
  • give the family dog a walk
  • bring the family dog outside to pee
  • rake leaves in the yard
  • water plants and flowers
  • put groceries in the fridge
  • wipe the dinner table after a meal
  • wipe the bathroom sink each morning after brushing their teeth
  • match the socks after the clothing is washed
  • get the mail from the mailbox
  • empty trash cans in each room
  • pull weeds (you will want to supervise since a 6-year-old cannot distinguish between plants and weeds)

It’s important to remember that the specific chores assigned will depend on the child’s maturity level, physical abilities, and willingness to help. It’s also important to provide clear instructions and guidance and to supervise the child to ensure their safety and the quality of their work.

Jobs for 6-Year-Olds

Some people believe in paid chores and therefore are looking for work for 6-year-olds that they can get paid for. I personally believe in paid chores but I do think that kids should also have responsibilities and chores that they are not paid for. In my opinion, paid chores should be over and above what they should do each day. They should be able to choose paid chores and if they do them well then they get paid for them.

If you are looking for work for 6-year-olds then choose additional chores from the list above.

Chore Chart for 6-Year-Old

Each child develops at a different pace. Some kids might not be ready for some of these chores. If not, don’t push them. Check out our list of age-appropriate chores to find daily chores for kids that are more relevant.

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How to Create a Chore Chart with Pictures

  1. Click on the button above to open the chore chart maker.
  2. Select a chore chart with pictures (there are two options). One has an image for each chore and the other has a photo. Watch the video to see how to change the clipart or how to add your own photos.
  3. Change the border color if you prefer.
  4. Click on each image to upload a photo of your child doing that chore or use a chore picture.
  5. Edit the text.

If you want a chore chart for kids who can read or if you prefer a chore list instead of chore pictures then select a version without pictures.

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  • An age-appropriate chore list is just a guide. Not every child develops at the same pace. The list above is just a guideline. However, if your child is not ready for a specific chore then don’t force it.
  • Help your children make chores a part of their daily routine. If they get used to doing their chores at a certain time every day they will become a habit and part of their daily routine. If not, you will be constantly reminding them to do their chores.
  • Six-year-olds are certainly old enough to do chores but you will need to show them exactly how to do them. For example, don’t ask them to load the dishwasher. Instead, show them how to pack the dishes. Let them watch you the first time. The second time, pack the dishes together. After a few times, the child can pack by herself but you will need to supervise. When you see she has it under control, you can leave her to pack the dishes by herself. Make sure that any sharp or dangerous objects are nowhere near. You might not want to let them put fragile dishes in the dishwasher.
  • Some people prefer to load the dishwasher by themselves and get their kids to unload it only.

See chore chart and family chore chart

Benefits of Chores

Assigning age-appropriate chores to a 6-year-old child can have several positive benefits, including:

  • Developing a sense of responsibility: When children are assigned tasks to complete, they learn that they have a role to play in the family and that they are responsible for contributing to household tasks.
  • Building independence: By completing chores on their own, children learn to be more independent and self-sufficient.
  • Learning new skills: Chores can help children develop new skills, such as cleaning, organizing, and cooking, which they will be able to use throughout their lives.
  • Promoting teamwork: When everyone in the family contributes to household tasks, it promotes a sense of teamwork and belonging.
  • Boosting self-esteem: Completing chores successfully can give children a sense of accomplishment and boost their self-esteem and confidence.
  • Teaching time-management: By assigning chores with specific deadlines, children learn time-management skills and the importance of completing tasks in a timely manner.

Overall, assigning chores to a 6-year-old can help them develop valuable life skills, promote responsibility and independence, and contribute to a positive family dynamic.

Things to avoid when giving a 6 year old chores

When assigning chores to a 6-year-old, it’s important to keep in mind their physical and cognitive abilities, as well as their attention span and willingness to participate. Here are some things to avoid when giving a 6-year-old chores:

  • Overloading them with too many chores: Young children can quickly become overwhelmed with too many tasks at once. Start by giving them one or two simple chores and gradually increase the workload as they become more comfortable.
  • Assigning chores that are too difficult: Make sure that the chores you assign are age-appropriate and match your child’s abilities. Tasks that are too difficult can lead to frustration and a lack of motivation.
  • Using punishment as a motivator: While it’s important to teach your child responsibility, using punishment as a motivator can lead to a negative association with chores. Instead, use positive reinforcement such as praise and rewards to encourage good behavior.
  • Not providing clear instructions: Make sure that your child understands exactly what is expected of them when it comes to their chores. Provide clear and simple instructions, and be available to answer any questions they may have.
  • Expecting perfection: While it’s important to encourage your child to do their best, it’s important to remember that they are still learning. Avoid criticizing or nitpicking their work, and instead focus on praising their efforts and progress.
  • Making chores feel like a burden: Try to make chores fun and engaging by turning them into a game or a challenge. This can help your child develop a positive attitude towards household tasks and make them more willing to participate.
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Photo of NicoleMy name is Nicole and I created this website to share the tools that keep me organized and productive and help me reach my goals. I hope that you will find them helpful too.

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